4. Everyone has baggage

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The girls are sitting at one of the tables in the diner while all eyes are on Noa. "I thought you quit your job here,Noa." Tabby comments. "Well..." Noa starts as Mouse interupts her "Is this were you have been whenever you randomly left to go to Shawn?" Mouse asks shocked. "Yeah" Noa murmers. The girls exchange looks as Faran says "So you've been going to school, going to track practice and came here to work." "Thats a lot, Noa." Imogen agrees.

"You think I don't know that? But I need the fucking money so my mom and I can keep our apartment." Noa fights back. "Why didn't you say anything, we could have helped you." Mouse intervenes. "Cuz I don't want any fucking handouts, Mouse. My mom and I always figured things out on our own and we will this time as well." Noa defends herself.

"Well, you don't have to though. You and your mom are not alone anymore." Kelly says and smiles at Noa, sympathizing with her. "I know." Noa whispers while looking down to her lap. "How about my mom talks to your mom about this. I'm sure we can find a better solution than this. Perhaps you can still take a couple of shifts until your mom gets back. But you can't be responsible for the entirety of the rent. That's insane." Tabby suggests.

"I know." Noa agrees.

Couple of hours later

"I wish you would've said something." Mouse says as her and Noa sit on her bed at home. "I know it's just... I wanted to take care of this own my own." Noa explains avoiding eye contact. "I am aware that our aparment is a shithole but I guess it's the closest thing to a home that I have." Noa ads.

Mouse sighs and wrapps her arms around Noa. "I know and we will find a way to pay for the rent, a way that does not include you working late shifts and beeing sleep deprived. Alright?" Mouse suggests soothly as she's running her hand up and down Noa's back.

After a couple of seconds she feels Noa's head nodding against her shoulder.

At the Haworthe House

"Well I just got off the phone with Marjorie. She wanted to end the program early but I told her not to. We decided that Corey and I will come up with the money for the next 3 three months of rent. And once she'll be back to work she will slowly pay us back." Tabby's mom says walking into Tabby's romm where her and Imogen sit on the bed watching a movie. "That's very sweet of you mom." Tabby answered. "Well we promised to take care of Noa and since we obviously missed that she was struggling. This is the least we can do. And after all Marjorie is good friend of mine." She winks at the girls and leaves the room.

Thank god one problem was solved already. If only they knew what's coming for them.

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