6. It's not over yet

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One hour later at the Honrada House

No one POV

"What fuck is this about?" Noa yells as the girls sit in the living room of Mouse's house. "It's just a prank, right? I mean a lot of people know about what happened to us, someone is just fucking with us." Faran states. Everyone nods their head, everyone but Mouse. "But what about my Grandma, she said she saw something looking at her through the window." she explains quietly. Her Grandma was in a lot of shock and is resting in her bedroom after Mouse calmed her down a little.

"Maybe it was just part of the prank." Kelly says while looking down to the ground. "Scaring an old lady? Very funny prank." Tabby mumbles softly.

"How does any of this make sense? I mean what does a creepy old lady from a story your Grandma read have to do with us and "A"?" Imogen asks the other girls. Mouse shakes her head not knowing the answer to that question either.

"Whatever..doesn't fucking matter. Let's just see what happens. If this continues we will tell someone. Maybe it was a one time joke." Noa suggests. "Yeah, Noa is right. Let's not freak out over this. "A" is dead and Principal Clanton is in jail. I'm sure it's going to be alright." Tabby agrees and the girls all nod their head.
They weren't 100% convinced about it themselves but decided to let it go.

Mouse POV
I'm not sure we should let this go yet but perhaps Tabby's right and this is just a joke. And for my grandma..well there is a chance that she's only a bit confused and imagined what she saw. I hope so... I definitely don't want to go through what we've been through a couple of months ago again.

Two days later at lunch in school...

No one POV
The girls were sitting together at the lunch table, talking about all kinds of stuff. "Well I don't know about you guys but I haven't heard anything of "A" again since that text two days ago." Kelly said while pushing around the food on her plate. "Me neither" the rest of the girls agree. "Like I said, just a sick joke." Tabby says while looking around the cafeteria, "I just don't know who'd do something like that." she ads.
"I don't know either but after all many people know about it and lots of them have a terrible, gruesome humor." Imogen replies. The girls seem more relaxed since there has not been another text. Hopefully it'll stay that way...

Faran POV
I'm just glad this was, probably, just a joke. I want to focus on swimming, dancing and...Henry of course. And before he even crossed my mind he's standing at my locker with a rose and little box in his hands. I jump into his arms and kiss him. "A beautiful rose for a beautiful girl." he says and gives me another kiss. I smile and thank him for it. "Also a little gift as motivation to make it through summer school." He explains as he gives me the box. I open it and it reveals a necklace with a solid heart on it. "Aww Henry, that's really sweet of you, thank you so much, I love it." I say and he puts the necklace around me. I smile at his gesture and kiss him deeply. "Is this why you came here, to surprise me?" I ask while looking at my new necklace. "Well I wanted to give you the present and also I wanted to know what you're up to today." He smiles at me curiously. "Um, well after I'm done here, I'll  go for a swim at the swimming pool down my street since the school's one is closed today." I explain to him while running my hand through his hair. He nods his head and takes my hand. "And maybe we'll see each other afterwards?" He asks wearing a mischievous smile on his face. I chuckled and we walk towards my last class for the day. "Well, I think that can be arranged." I give him one final kiss and leave to go to class. "I'll text you." I yell as I turn around shortly.

Three hours later...
I was already on my 18th lap of swimming. I'm really good at this, maybe I should continue even when I get back to dancing. I decided to also take a couple of laps while diving, challenging my lungs a little. I took a deep breath in and start diving trough the water. Though the laps are quite long I was able to make it to the end and surface...
All of a sudden, all I see is red...
I scream loudly and scramble out of the water which has a big splash of blood in it. That's when I see that something was written on the edge of the pool.
Written in blood... "A"

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