9. Countdown

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Honrada House
No one POV
The girls are sitting together on Mouse's bed reading magazines and talking about their love lives.
"What about that boy in our history class, Imogen. Isn't he cute ? What's his name again ? Travis? Toby ?" Noa asks Imogen.
"Tim? No, god no. He's the worst he literally cheats on every exam." Imogen states. "So do I and I'm great." Noa tells the girls confidently.
They all laugh.
"He's really not my type. Besides I don't think I'm ready to date anyone right now after what happened with Chip." Imogen mumbles while looking down to her lap.
"Understandable, but once you're ready we will be the most amazing wingwomen for you and you Tabby." Faran smiles and points to tabby as well.
"Alright" Imogen grins, hoping she will be able to trust someone again after everything.
They continue to gossip and chit chat until midnight.
Suddenly Tabby's phone starts ringing. She opens the text she got and it revealed a timer.
"What the hell? What is this?" Tabby wonders when Imogene's phone rings as well and shows the exact same thing.
Their phones take turns to ring and reveal the timer.
"What the fuck? A timer for 24 hours?" Mouse asks herself out loud.
"Can somebody explain to me what happens in 24 hours? A birthday I forgot?" Noa asks the other girls.
Before they even have time to answer their phones chime again all at once.

"Tik tok bitches, you're running out of time. You have less than 24 hours to make a decision. Choose one of them, the other one dies, choose neither or tell someone about this they will both die. Kisses.

Their phones chime again sending a photo. It shows Clara Thompson and Stacie Lightwill, the missing girls, passed out on the floor with restrains on their wrists and ankles.

The girls share a look, all in shock of what just happened. Was this real?

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