8. Run, Run, Run

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Next day at school
My lungs are burning, my feet a burning but I did it..I broke my personal record.
"We'll done Noa, that was really good." my trainer says, she decided to help me with my training even during summer school.
"We'll I've been training a lot." I wheeze at her. I got to say, my breathing has been bugging me a little. I never used the inhaler the doctor gave me, I don't think I need it. These cardiovascular shortcomings are nothing I can't handle and after all I just broke my own record...without any inhaler.
"I know and I'm glad because you need to be in the best of shape for the upcoming competitions when school starts again." She mentions while handing me a bottle of water. "Look I know you are only about to start your junior year but you should start thinking about college if you want to go." she tells me and I look at her confused. Why think about that already?
"I just want you to know that lots of colleges will be sending scouts to the competitions to find possible candidates for a scholarship. And I think you could be one of these possible candidates, if you keep this up." She tells me and gives me a warm smile before walking away.
Maybe I can do it, after all my grades aren't the best so if I want to go to college I guess a scholarship would be the best.

Lunch table
No one POV
"So how are you doing Faran?" Kelly asks Faran as they are eating their lunch.
"Better, still a tiny bit jumpy but better. Have you guys heard anything else from "A" again?" She answered and all the girls are shaking their heads.
"Nope, not that I'm complaining." Tabby mumbles.
To neither one of them it feels like it's actually over though.

Later at the Haworthe House

No one POV
Tabby, her mom and Imogen are sitting together at the dinner table eating their food.
"So how is summer school?" Sidney asks the girls. "Well it's school so..." Tabby answers her
mom who chuckles. "I get it but I'm glad you guys are doing it. I'm sure it'll be a lot easier to start your junior year without so many gaps in your education." She intervenes when something on the tv, that has been quietly running in the background in the living room, catches her attention. She gets up to turn the volume up.
"The 16 year old girl was last seen at her dance rehearsal Thursday afternoon. Afterwards she was supposed to walk home but never made it there. Her parents decided to call the police who is now searching for her in and around Millwood. Here you can see a picture of Clara Thompson, the last thing she was seen wearing was a blue sweater and a pair of black skinny jeans, as well as a black cap with the words "you can do it" written on it. If you see her or have any idea where she might be, please notify the police.
Next up is the weather, in the north..." Sidney turns the Tv off as the reporter finished about the missing girl.
"Poor girl, hope she's coming home soon. Do you girls know her?" Sidney asks while sitting down at the dinner table again.
„No I don't think so, I believe she doesn't go to our school." Imogen answers.
"I think I've seen her before at the Orpheum. She came in regularly with a group of friends." Tabby says. "But since I haven't been back to work I of course haven't seen her there lately." Tabby ads to her story.
"Mhm well let's keep an eye out for her. And you girls be careful than, as long as we don't know where she is, please don't go out alone especially in the dark, alight?" Sidney tells the girls who nod their head in agreement.
It's weird because two weeks prior another girl, Stacie Lightwill, went missing but was ruled out to be a runaway as she came from a difficult foster family, no money and lots of mental issues. The police is still looking for her but even her parents believe she just ran away to start a new life somewhere else. So barely anyone was still talking about her..

Next day at school
Tabby POV
"Have you guys heard about that missing girl, Clara Thompson?" I ask the girls while sipping my water.
"Yeah but I never seen her before." Mouse mentions.
"I did. I think she dances at this fancy dance studio in town with a group calling themselves "the perfectionists". We've seen them during a dance competition about a year ago or something." Faran tells us sharing a look with Kelly. "Yeah, I think she goes to that private school a little out of town." Kelly ads.
"Why go to a school out of town if there is one right next door?" Noa wonders.
"Well Millwood High is not necessarily the best school ever, is it?" Imogen says.
"I guess it's just not good enough for someone with so much money and class." Faran explains, "I'm sure she'll come back though, girls like her normally do."
"Anyways something else. My parents will be back in two days so I thought maybe you guys wanna come over tonight, hang out a little. My grandma won't mind." Mouse suggests the girls . "I mean after all we have vacations as well."
"Yeah sounds like a plan to me." Noa agrees and the other girls do to.
"Amazing, 18:30 my place?" Mouse proposes and the girls all agree.

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