11. Results

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Honrada House
Imogen POV
"What time is it?" Noa asks me again.
"Noa you asked me that 2 minutes ago, it's 23:56." I tell her.
"The timer says there are 8 minutes and 45 seconds left." Tabby informs us.
This is pure insanity. We are literally waiting for "A" to kill these two girls. Or is it just a set up? I mean who does that? Killing two random girls without a clear motive. It seems so unnecessary and unreal.
Maybe "A" will give us a second chance or maybe nothing happens at all.
God I just want this nightmare to end.

Couple of minutes later

"Five, four, three, two and..."
"ONE" we all count down together.
We all hold our breath, eyes fixed on our phones but nothing.
Absolutely nothing, not even after 2 minutes.

"Alright, do we think this is good?" Faran asks us.
"I'm not sure." Tabby chimes in.
"Probably, right? I mean normally "A" immediately does something." Mouse speaks up.
"Perhaps this was all just a sick joke and these girls are playing a trick on us." Kelly wonders out loud. I'm not sure about that though, there is no reason for them to do that and after all Faran was attacked in person as well. I fear this isn't over yet.
We wait another five minutes. Another ten. And 30 minutes after the countdown ran out we decide to call it a night. It seems like nothing was happening, at least for now.

Next day after school ends
Faran POV

We're standing outside of school talking about how summer school is soon ending already. Only 2 more weeks left.
But this entire "A" thing is still bugging me. After all I've been the only one, who's been attacked yet. Is "A" after me ? No right, I mean that doesn't even make sense. But what about the girls? Was the picture even real or is Kelly right and this is just a sick joke by a group of people who have heard about what happened to us. Anyway "A" has been silent since this countdown. Perhaps it's over. Hopefully.
We just had maths and I forgot to write down the homework for thursday so Tabby explains the task to me. I take my maths book out to write the task down so I won't forget.
I open the book as a piece of paper slips out of it.
" 25.963" "
"What the hell?" I say confused. I turn the paper over and it says "at". What?
Tabby opens her book as well and she also finds a paper.
"49' " and "coordinates" are written on the paper.
"Guys take out your maths books." Tabby says and the girls to what she says.
" N 39° " and " meet"
"47' " and "me"
"W 74° " and "the"
"7.677" " and "A"
Tabby puts the sentence together
"Meet me at the coordinates" -A

N 39° 47' 25.963"
W 74° 49' 7.677"

"These are coordinates." Tabby explains and types them into their phone.
"It's a place near the Sweetwater lake." she ads after checking the coordinates on her phone.
"So this "A" thing isn't over? You think we should go there?" Noa wonders.
"I don't know, there isn't even a time mentioned." Kelly states.
"Well I think we should go." I say and all the girls look at me shocked.
"What? I wanna know who that motherfucker is, so I say we go there. After all we are six, he or she is only one." I explain to the girls.
So we will go there this evening telling our moms we'll be staying in Noa's apartment for a girls night.

Later that day
We all piled up in Kelly's car which was thankfully big enough for all of us. "So we're just going there, meeting with A, without knowing what to expect?" Mouse asks sitting to my left. "Yup." Noa answeres. Well I gotta admit it's probably not the smartest thing to follow A's clues. "But if it helps, I threw my baseball bat into the trunk before we left, so..." Noa ads. "Yeah that's really not making me feel any better right now." Imogen says from the passenger seat next to Kelly who is concentrated on the road. "Well it's better than nothing.." Noa mumbles.
It doesn't take much longer until we arrive at the official parking lot of the sweetwater lake. "Alright, we have to walk the rest of the way. Don't want the car to get stuck in mud or something." Tabby explains while we all take the seatbelt off. We get out and all look at Noa as she pulls the baseball bat from the trunk. "What? I told ya'll I was prepared. Wasn't lying about it." she says and closes the trunk.
Noa and Tabby take the lead and the rest of us follow them. It takes at least another five minutes through mud and dirt to get to the destination of the coordinates. "Okay we're here." Tabby announces. There's nothing here but a little barn and a wooden boat at the lake shore. "Okay I don't see anything interesting around here." I say and look back to the girls, to see Noa walking towards the barn with the baseball bat in her hands. We follow her quietly bracing ourselves to find A in there. Noa slowly pushes the door open and the entire barn starts creaking. "Be carful, this is things seems quite old and unstable." Tabby whispers while walking into the barn behind Noa. We all huddle inside the little house which isn't much bigger than our garage at home. There's only junk and some old car tires in here. "Guys." Mouse whispers while pointing to a sheet-covered pile in the corner of the barn behind some old car junk. We all walk forward and Tabby reaches out and rips off the cover.
"Oh my god." I hear Kelly gasping next to me.

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