14. Sleepless Night

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Noa's apartment

No one's POV

The girls barely talk on the way to Noa's place, also later they just all get settled somewhere in the apartment, trying to get some sleep as it already is 2 AM. But it's hopeless, none of them are able to close an eye. How are they supposed to? After all, they just burried two girls.

Somehow they make it to the morning and sit together at Noa's small diner table.

"Even though I didn't sleep at all, I was still hoping it was all just a nightmare." Tabby speaks up and all the girls nod their heads. "What are we going to do now?" Mouse wonders. "Nothing. We wait. All we can do is try to find out who A could be and why they are afters us again." Faran answers.

All of a sudden Imogen's phone rings. "Omg is it A?" Noa asks. "No, it's Aria, I forget it's sunday." Imogen explains and gets up to speak with Aria about her daughter. The others just let out a breath of relief knowing that it's not A.

"Well do we think this person has something to do with Archie Waters?" Kelly asks after Imogen left the table. "Probably, right? I mean there is no other conection that would make sense to me." Tabby argues. "Yeah but everyone connected to him is dead or in jail." Mouse counter-arguments. "Well, not everyone...Rose Waters." Tabby starts. "She was released from Radley and was never seen again, so there is a very good chance she is the one behind this." Tabby explains. The girls nod their heads and continue talking a little until Imogen reenters the room.

"Hey, what'd she say?" Faran asks Imogen. "Well, some good news. Davie is doing really good and passed her last check-up with flying colors." Imogen tells the girls, at least some good news. But Imogen's smile fades away. "Unfortunately that reminded me of the appointment that I have to today with Mr and Mrs. Hammersmith about that Babysitting job." Imogen says and casts her eyes to her phone to check the time. "Still don't get why you would want to voluntarily take care of little, loud humans." Noa wonders out loud and the girls giggle at her choice of words. "Well I need money and they need a babysitter, so...Anyways I gotta leave now, or I'll be too late." Imogen explains and gets up.

"Alright, you do that and in the meantime the rest of us will take a deep-dive into Rose Waters's life. We need to figure out where she is now and if she is A or not." Tabby orders and the rest agrees.

They need to figure this out as soon as possible, otherwise they will get involved in even more bullshit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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