There it was

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There it was .. The moment I had nothing. I had Matt and my baby but not my everything. Taylor was my everything. "What can I do" I would ask Matt as if he had any clue. I hated myself for something I didn't even do. I had always wanted a baby honestly but not in this way.

I wanted to be married and happy and have a happy family, but that's not how things worked out. Basically I had never thought of the bad in things, I always figured things would go my way (the good way). I had loved and lost in a blink of an eye. I was severely depressed and I wanted nothing to do with my baby which was very selfish I know but I couldn't grasp that the boy I had loved so much before I moved here would ever do this to me.

Before I moved here Jake and I had been together for 1 year and 6 months and I thought he was definitely the one. He had been by my side since the mishap with my parents and had fought with me through my depression. He was the reason I was alive still and he was honestly my world. He cared so much and there is no way I thought he'd ever ... You know what? People change.

As soon as I got here I met my world, my ride or die, my other half, my everything that had stood right in front of me this entire time and I had taken advantage of him. He helped me through mine and Taylor's fights *her everything is not taylor whatttttt* and wiped my tears when I was hurt.he was there for me when can died and he was also there for Matt. He was unexplainably amazing. I had over looked him for the one I knew defiantly I loved.

I loved taylor more than anything still. It's been 6 months since taylor left me and baby Maya. We moved in alone in an amazing apartment that my parents helped me buy. Maya has saved me. I thought of killing myself the day I brought her home and before I was going to try I went to say my goodbyes to Maya, I had picked her up out of her crib and looked into her eyes and I had said "Don't ever be as weak as I was Maya Marie, good things will come you're way and you don't need a man to help you with these things." And then I realized that I would be the one to help her through those things and that I will be the one to guide her through life and that I will defiantly be the one to help her stay away from the decisions I made.

Knowing that I could fully raise her alone I told my mother I wanted an apartment alone. We've been doing great, me and Maya of course. Just a few moments ago I received a phone call from my everything. He's been helping me here and there since taylor has proposed to Kylie last month. He has helped me tremendously with Maya and he asked me if he could come over and cook for me tonight and I agreed.

I hear someone knocking on the door so I set Maya down in the crib he bought me to put in the kitchen because I am now in love with cooking, and answer the door. There he is. My world. Truly the love of my life. I had been missing out on so much not being with him. He smiled at me and told me how great I'd looked, and that he was the luckiest man in the world because he got to see my real smile. He then went over to Maya (Maya absolutely loved him) tickled her and giggled along with her. He went over to the stove and started cooking. I went and sat on a bar stool in front of my kitchen and watched this beautiful man have a blast just cooking me dinner. During our meal he asked about taylor and if I had missed him, he asked about Maya and her development (which I thought was adorable how much he cared about her) and then asked me if after dinner he could put Maya down to sleep and after watch a movie with me.

After an amazing dinner he gathered our plates up and washed them gently and went over to Maya. He picked her up smiled at her and cuddled her in his arms and quietly walked into her room to rock her. After a few minutes I heard whispering and so I walked over to her room and listened to him say, "Wow I know exactly why you're gonna be so strong, because you're mother is. You're mother is an amazing, independent, beautiful, and courageous woman who's been through so much, and I'm so lucky to be here for you two." He laid her gently in her crib once she had fallen asleep. I walked out onto the balcony to take in what I just heard. I became teary eyed because of how great he treated us. I heard the door open behind me and I felt arms wrap around my waist and these words were then said "You're the most strongest woman I know Ansley Marie. Please god make me the luckiest man in the entire world and be my girlfriend so I can take care of you and Maya."

I replied "Of course Samuel Howard Wilkinson"

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now