I dont know who I want

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Chap 18-

Taylor- Hey baby girl we need to talk later -kisses forehead-

Ri- Baby are you ok? -looks worried-

Taylor- Baby don't worry I'm fine now let's get you home -smiles nervously-

Ri- Okay baby -kisses softly-

After I helped Ri in the car I picked up Cam cause I was gonna need the support..

When we got home I helped Ri out of the car and into her house. I later her on the couch and rubbed her head for awhile till she fell asleep.

Taylor- Hey cam can you run and get her stuff from your house since she's asleep?

Cam- Yeah I'll be right back..

I decided to go on my phone and look on twitter and chill till Ri woke up. That girl kylie my ex 😒 keep tagging me in these relationship things and it was really getting on my nerves so I texted her to tell her to stop..

*Text convo*

Taylor- Kylie stop tagging me in those thing on twitter I have a girlfriend...

Kylie- Baby you don't want me anymore ? 😏

Taylor- *(thinking) tbh I still wanted her but I couldn't do that to Ri..*

Taylor- No....

Kylie- My house Friday at 6 😘

Taylor- Whatever Kylie

*End of convo*

*Ri waking up*

Ri- Mhm baby my head hurts 😞

Taylor- I'll get some Motrin babe

Ri- *smiles slightly*

Ri- Hey tay what did you have to tell me ..?

Taylor- *pauses* Uhm Uhm one sec beautiful...

Taylor- So the reason I was Uhm hit by a car was ja..*gco*

Cam- Hey gorgeous you're awake ❤️

Taylor- Cam wanna tell her...?

Cam- Jack saw you and taylor kissing and ran but when Taylor went to chase him that's when it... When it... When it happened..

Ri's POV

I don't know who to love anymore.. I loved Jack for wanting me...

But I loved taylor for loving me they way he did..

*kisses taylor*

Taylor I love you and I chose a long time ago who I wanted to be with but I can't trust my own decision right now.. It might be you, or can, or Jack, or even Matt! I just don't know! :(

*cries* I don't know who I want....

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now