February 2nd

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Chapter 25-

Matts POV-

I've been waking up next to perfection for about the past month now. Cameron Alexander Dallas is everything I've ever wanted in life. He's the most perfect thing I've ever come across in my life. He's the reason I live.

I rolled over and kissed his forehead which awoke him with a big smile.

Cam- Good morning handsome -smiles-

Matt- Good morning perfection. Sleep good? -runs fingers through cams hair-

Cam- I was by you all night, and I woke up to you this morning so yes.

Matt- -smiles & kisses cam- get your lazy butt up! We haven't talked to Ri or Taylor in a couple months and they have things to talk about with us so get up!

Cam- -laughs and gets up- let's go then!

About an hour later we arrived at Ri's new apartment with Taylor and she buzzed us in. We were greeted by the now , "round bellied" Ri, she smiled and gestured us to come in. We sat down on her black couch, and then Taylor came over to help Ri sit and to sit by her.

Ri's POV

I was getting looks by Matt and Cam so first to start off I said,

"Yes, guys I am pregnant."

They smiled and then I knew it was time to explain. They had found 2 of the three guys that had raped me.. 1) My ex .. Jake

2) And Carter Reynolds..

3) They don't know..

Then I proceeded to tell them we hadn't found out who's the baby was yet. We were almost sure it was ours but then again it could've been any of those threes. I then told them I was six months along that's why we weren't sure. We had decided to wait until the baby was born to find out who's it was since we agreed we had to much going on right now. I offered them a glass of wine to catch up after not talking for a month, and they had stayed for about two hours and then decided to part ways with us and told us they'd see us soon again. I closed the door behind them and turned around to see a sad taylor.

Ri- What's wrong baby?

Taylor- What if it isn't mine..?

Ri- Baby I'm really almost positive it's yours.. -gets teary eyed-

Taylor- No baby don't cry please don't cry -hugs Ri and rubs her head- It'll be ok I love you remember.

Ri- I love you too.

Cams POV

Cam- Matt baby.. Can we talk...?

Matt- Sure handsome let's talk!

I hated hurting him. I hated myself for what I was about to tell him. I knew it would break his perfect heart and would shatter his perfect existence. I did love him but I needed to let him know.

Cam- Baby I don't think.. I just don't... I can't let you find out about this ... I just can't be with you anymore.

He just sat there barely holding my hand, smiling his ever so perfect smile. Breathing slowly, his chest rising then sinking, his eyes glossy about to cry, just smiling. So perfect but he couldn't know. He had to find out on his own. I was doing the right thing.

Cam- I love you but I can't hurt you more.

I let go of his hand & kissed him one last time, slowly stood up to go get my things while he just sat there with his head in his hands. I slowly packed my stuff wrote him a note and cried my way to the door. I love you Matthew Lee Espinosa. He just sat there still, his life over but he was still breathing. I had to leave.

Matts POV

He had left. It was over. After hours of crying, calling Ri and Taylor I had decided it was time to take a shower and lay down. After my shower I had found a note from Cameron. I picked it up, lied down, and stared reading, "To my love, my world, my heart, my whole existence, Matthew Lee Espinosa. I love you to the moon and back and further. You're so amazingly perfect. I don't want a world without you but my darling. I have to go. I have to leave this world because what I have down is unforgivable. I have raped Ri. I admit it. I knew you would never forgive me so I'm leaving. I love you so so much Matthew Lee Espinosa. I hope you're life was as perfect as mine. (Only the part with you in it). Live yours perfectly, as perfect as your heart. I love you"

That was it. I was crying so hard as I ran over to my phone to dial Cameron's number. After 2 rings Ri had picked up. The only thing she said was, "Matt ...." And then she cried the hardest I had ever heard her cried. She ended the call after 30 minutes of us straight crying to each other which I knew met that she loved me and that she was sorry.

February 2 was the love of my life's funeral. When I had gotten there dressed in my all black suit, which was set aside for me and Cameron's wedding day. His family were the first to say their condolences, Ri & Taylor were next. Ri now 4 months along was beautifuly pregnant and taylor by her side, his hand on her belly, crying. I'm so sorry Matt I'm so sorry. We all loved cameron even after what he had done we all loved him.

His funeral was an open casket funeral, I was the last to go up and see him. I said to him, "To my love, my world, my heart, my whole existence, Cameron Alexander Dallas. So this is what it's like to live in a world without the one you love the most. It's shit. You were the most perfect thing to ever exist. I love you with all my heart Cameron and I'll never ever forget you." I kissed his cold lips, ran my fingers through his hair, then told him I loved him for the last time.

February 2nd. The last day Id see the love of my life.

February 2nd. The day my world shut down.

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now