Taylors & Maries P.O.V.

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Taylor's P.O.V.

Jack had just texted me and told me to meet him at the Starbucks on the pier so that's where I was going until I ran into that girl. It's odd because I've never seen her before and I've been here for a few summers now and I've seen a lot of girls since I've been here. But let me tell you she wasn't like any other girl there was just something about her that stuck out to me. I don't know.

End of P.O.V.


Marie's P.O.V.

I decided to drop by PAC SUN before I went home cause my clothes were from Michigan.. I needed some for Flordia. I ended up picking out a moon phase crop top, a daisy crop top, and a tighter red v-neck shirt with a black and white polka dot short skirt which I cold pull over the shirt and black flats. I'm not usually a "girly girl" but that's how most girls were here I really didn't mind. I was kind of excited to start new to be honest, ready to feel fresh. When I got home I saw Caitlyn crying, so I went to see what was wrong. She told me at the beach today she met this guy named Hayes and that she really liked him but he had a girlfriend. I asked her what all they talked about at the beach and he flirted I guess and have her his number. I understand because that's how I met jake. Jake was a good guy but he hasn't texted me back today yet. After I calmed Caitlyn down I decided to take a shower. When I got out I put on a black and pink shirt I got from one of my volleyball tournaments and some black shirts and I French braided my hair, then I heard my phone ringing and it was jake trying to FaceTime.

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now