Matt & Cam

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Jacks POV
It's been a few months now since Ri has been released from the hospital... And she hasn't said one word to me. I really miss her. She's the most perfect human being I've ever seen in my entire life. Tonight she's was having a party, not a big one just one for her and cameron, Matt, & Taylor. I really wanted to go but she hadn't invited me plus I was suppose to get with Ashely tonight. I honestly can't believe I was still messing with her. I was disappointed in myself .. Hold up my phones ringing.. It's probably that weird bit...Ri...?

Phone Convo:
Ri- Hey .... Uhm ... I'm having a few people over tonight.... Matt, Cam, and Tay if you wanna Uhm drop by maybe for awhile... Plus I wanna talk...
Jack G- Uhm Ri I'm really glad to hear you're ok.. And yeah I'll be there
Ri- Thanks ... Oh and be there by 7...
End on convo

I was gonna find a way to make her forgive me.

Ri's POV-
So tonight it was me Tay, Matt, cam & jack g.... I can't believe I actually invited him... I'm so out of my damn mind I can't even think half of the time. Tays been staying at my house for the past month.. I've just never wanted him to leave my side. We weren't dating I just felt safe with him. He was there for me. He saved me. He understood. To be honest I'm afraid of loving anymore.. I'm afraid of betrayal, being broken and back where I was and being physically and mentally hurt. I couldn't love. I wanted to but I couldn't.

Taylor's POV-
I know you're afraid of loving beautiful. *holds Ri's hand* and I know you're scared I'll hurt you like I did before and I know you're afraid I'll hurt you again and I know you don't know how to love right now but I'm gonna teach you again. Ri I'm not leaving ever again. I love you and I'm not gonna stop saying it. I love you Ansley Marie Cole and that's not changing. I don't care who disapproves or dislikes us but I love you. *Taylor leans in & whispers against Ri's lips* I love you. I was about to kiss her when the door opened and Matt & Cam walked in holding bottles of liquor.


Ri's POV-
We've all had a few cups of liquor by now and we are just chilling. Matt & Cam walked off awhile ago, so now it's just me and Taylor. I was laying on his chest and he was running his hands through my hair. I really felt safe around him. That's when Jack walked in.
Jack G- Sorry I'm late I had to drop off a few things at Jack J's house.
Ri- It's cool....
Taylor- *rolls eyes* she pressed the button 77 times jack... 77 times... *stands up*
Jack G- I know Taylor.. I kn- *gco*
Taylor- Instead of taking care of her jack your sleazy ass was cheating with her ex best friend! *gets close to him*
Jack G- Taylor please I care about her!

Everything was getting to be to much for me and I felt sick so I went in my room to lie down but when I opened the door I saw Cameron kissing Matt....

Ri- Matt ... Cam.... ?
Cam- Uhm Uhm .... Ri... Uhm hi -grabs Matt's hand-
Matt- Ri listen I know this is a lot right now but... Me and Cam are...
Ri- Dating ....? 😳 you and Cam are dating...
*Cam looks at Matt* Cam- Yeah... As of an hour ago..
Ri- *smiles* I knew it was gonna happen
Matt- *blushes & kisses Cam's cheek* thanks Ri.. (:
Ri- I don't feel good so you guys might wanna step out *giggles*
*Cam kisses Ri's cheek* bye beautiful.
*Matt does the same* bye Babyy (:

I laid down on my bed everyone still here taking, fighting, kissing, cuddling, and being happy. I a sin here depressed, upset, confused, and in love with someone I shouldn't be with...

Taylor's POV-
Ri baby are you okay? ... I know I shouldn't of brought it up but baby I'm not letting it go.. I'm not letting you go. You're my world. I don't care if you don't love me back but I'm gonna make sure you know I love you. *goes over to Ri and gets close to her lips* Ansley I love you *kisses Ri softly* I love you.

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now