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Chapter 7-

When I woke up I wanted to bum it today cause my ankle still hurt so I was honestly nervous today. Cause I didn't wanna hurt it more so I threw on my red tournament sweat shirt and black sweat pants and some black slides cause I had wrapped my ankle. I grabbed my phone and there was a text for taylor that said,

"Good morning beautiful hope your ankle is ok <3"

I smiled and texted back,

"See you at school (:"

When I got to school a few girls came up to me and knocked my books out of my hands and them they pushed me down and started kicking me and they busted my lip open.

I got up and I knew it was cause of last night with Taylor.

I tried cleaning up my lip before I got to class but it kept bleeding so I went into first period and sat down.

Taylor looked at me and he knew something happened.

Taylor- Omg Ri what happened .?!

Ri- Taylor it's nothing don't worry about it.

Taylor- To bad I'm worrying now tell me !

Ri- Seriously stop I'm fine -_-

Taylor- Whatever Ri..

*first period ends*

I was waiting at the table and everyone came and sat down but Taylor, he went and sat with those girls that hurt me! I can't believe him why would he sit with them.

I decided to go over to him and see what was going on.

Ri- Uhm....*looks at Taylor*

Taylor- Uhm what.?

Ri- Are you seriously gonna be that way with me .?

Taylor- I told you I don't like you get away seriously.

Ri- Don't ever talk to me, get the hell away and stay away *starts crying*

Taylor- *tries to get up and go after her* Ri wait!

Ri- *limping because of her ankle* SAVE IT LEAVE ME ALONE!

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now