The car

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Chapter 15-

Jacks POV

Wow I just kissed the most beautiful girl in the entire world. I didn't care what was going in right now, weather she liked me the way I liked her, I didn't care this was our moment. She's so amazingly perfect! God wow! I'm gonna have to make sure I take her from Taylor.. Cause I wanna make her mine.

Ri's POV

Jack started kissing me out of no where. But you know what this will be corny but his lips felt like home. Taylor's felt warm but different in a way... That's when I felt my phone vibrating. We broke the kiss so I could answer and jack smiled.

??- Ri thank god you answered..

Ri- Who is this ?

??- It's taylor..

Ri- *went to hang up*


Ri- what taylor.?!

Taylor- We need to talk.. Today.. The skatepark at 4?

Ri- whatever

Jacks POV

I wonder what that was about? I hope she's ok because tonight I'm gonna cook her some dinner and make her happy (:

Ri's POV

It's almost time for me to meet taylor so I told jack I went out to grab some groceries, and that's when I headed out. When I got there Taylor was sitting there and I knew he was nervous. When he hugged me he was extra careful..

Taylor- Ri are you still hurt? Are you ok beautiful?

Ri- Don't call me that ...

That's when Taylor lifted me up and kissed me... And as soon as I started kissing back I heard a loud gasp..

It was Jack.. He had saw Taylor kiss me.!

Jack- Ri how could you?! *getting teary eyed*

I just dropped to my knees and started crying... I was screaming for him but he just kept running.. That's when Taylor ran after him and I heard a loud screech..

Ri- NO TAYLOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was screaming I felt like I was going to die! That car hit him so hard!!!!!! Jack call 911!!!!! HELP ME!

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now