Skate Date

421 3 0

Chapter 6-

I decided to throw on my neff outfit which was my neff crop top white shorts my neff hat and white vans. I straightened my hair and fixed my make up and put a hair tie around my wrist. It was like 3:15 so I decided to take a few pics 😊 I posted some on Instagram an jake commented "😻" and the Taylor commented back and he was like "stop she's mine 😚" and then I commented back to Taylor and said "😉💕" and I tagged him and Jake in it (;

It was about 3:30 so I grabbed my skateboard and headed out the door. Taylor was there early.

We hung around a little and then we started skating. It started getting late so we were about to head home, when this kid came up behind me and it made me fall off my skateboard, I realized I hurt my ankle really bad so I stared crying, I tried to stop cause honestly I didn't want taylor to see me. Taylor ran over to me.


Ri- *laughs a little a looks at taylor* help me home please..

Taylor- *picks up Ri* can you walk.?

Ri- *Tries to walk and falls* *blushes* Uhm no I can't

Taylor- *picks her & her skateboard up* come on let's get you home

*5 minutes later*

Ri- This is it..

Taylor- *lets her down* you gonna be ok.? *looks at her and hands her her skateboard.

Ri- I'll be fine *smiles* thanks taylor

Taylor- *kisses her cheek* welcome Ri see you tomorrow at school *smiles*

Ri- *blushes* bye tay *smiles & goes inside*

That kiss on the cheek 😻

I decided to take a shower and call it a night because of my ankle.

After the shower I grabbed some pretzels and some ice for my ankle. I grabbed my phone to post me and Taylor's selfies on twitter and Instagram so that what I did. He immediately commented on them.

(Taylor's comment)

"Thanks for tonight beautiful


But I started getting hate comments too from random girls... Like

•kill yourself

•he probably feels bad for you cause you're ugly

No one knows this but I used to be really depressed.. I used to cut.. A lot.

I have cuts on my chest and arms and upper thighs..

That's why I don't wear bikinis that much, swim much. That's why I skate it's easy and it gets my mind off things. Like I said no one knows and this stuff makes me want to go back..

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now