Meeting Taylor

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Chapter 4-

I woke up and I had a huge headache -_-

Anyways today my mom wanted to take me and Caitlyn out for lung cause her and Jeff (her bf) had a surprise for us. It was a "nice" place on the pier so I was told to wear a nice outfit. I decided I was going to wear my red v-neck with the black and white polka for skirt with white flats. I chose to leave my hair down cause it was naturally wavy and I pinned back my bangs with a cute white bow and threw on foundation white eyeshadow and eyeliner and some lip gloss. I grabbed my phone off the charger before we were about to leave and there was like 5 texts from Jake 😳

All saying he was sorry and that he was going to get me something for my birthday which was next weekend ! 6 days from now. I just deleted them and I change my bio from happily taken to happily single 😒.

Mom- Ri we are leaving !!

I set my phone on the dresser and went downstairs to the car. When we got there my mom met up with some of our distant friends who moved here a few years ago. In the middle of dinner mom and Jeff decided to announce their news.

Mom- So girls.. Me and Jeff have decided to get married!!

I started choking on my water so I excused my self to the bathroom. Ugh she's seriously going to marry him -_-

When I walked out of the bathroom someone ran into me..

??- So we meet the same way.? Has to be destiny *lightly chuckles*

Ri- Ugh you're the kid who gave me this stupid scrape on my leg -_-

??- *laughs a little* my names Taylor and you are.?

Ri- I'm Ansley I go by my middle name thoe, Marie call me Ri.

Taylor- Why not Ansley ? That name is beautiful

*Ri blushes*

Taylor- If you're not doing anything this weekend do you wanna go out?

Ri- It's my birthday Saturday 😊

Taylor- I'm taking you skating tomorrow after school 😉

Ri- Oh yeah I forgot the new girl no friends tomorrow 😒

Taylor- I'll let you meet my friends and I'm your friend silly *smiles*

Ri- So tomorrow ? What time?

Taylor- *Hands her phone* here out in your number

*puts in her number*

Ri- I should be going *smiles*

Taylor- Bye Riiiiiiii *smiles* I'll text you 😉

That was kind of awkward cause you know me I don't blush -_-

After dinner I went back to the house and looked at my phone and a text from taylor

-Taylor's text-

Hey Ri! Meet me at the pier at 3:30 ~Taylor (:

I texted him back an okay (;

I checked my twitter and he followed me. I got a text from Dakota staying "OMG RI YOU MET TAYLOR CANIFF"

I chuckled and went back on twitter and he posted "Got that skate date tomorrow <3 (;"

I kind of got weirded out cause we just officially met but it still made me smile. I decided to go to he's cause I had school in the morning


Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now