After the kiss

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Chapter 11-

Ri's POV first:

I pulled away cause honestly I didn't know what just happened. I didn't wanna kiss taylor! I didn't wanna like him!

Taylor- Why'd you pull away? :(

Ri- Get out please get out!

Taylor- What did I do?!!

Ri- Please I need space!

Taylor- Fine Ri I'll go! Damn!

*Taylor leaves*

I sat down on the couch....not knowing what in the actual hell had just happened.. Is it bad to say that I'm scared? Im scared that we will go to fast and I'll loose him like I lost jake.. And let's not forget what he did to me! I went upstairs, and took a shower. I took a forever long shower.. I got out and laid down on my bed thinking. Taylor put out a tweet that said

(Taylor's tweet)

Had the most amazing night with the most amazing girl 😘

That made me smile I mean obviously (: Stop Ri you don't like taylor..?!!!!!!

Wait did I like taylor..? Did I wanna be with him? I grabbed my phone to text him and apologize,

(Marie's text)

Hey cutie! I'm sorry for that I was really nervous :( ! But it was amazing (; <3

Taylor's POV

Ri just kicked me out! What did I do?! I shouldn't of kissed her. Even though it was amazing, I should've waited.. That's when I got the text from Ri.

I read it.. Looked at it for awhile.. And I didn't text back.

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now