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Chapter 12-

Taylor's POV

So I didn't text Ri back because I don't wanna feel like I'm "easy" if you know what I mean. I tried to kiss her, she shoved me out, made me honestly upset/pissed.. I'm getting her back..

Ri's POV

Taylor didn't text me all weekend and it's kind if worrying me because that's not like him. On Monday morning I was sitting by all the guys, when Taylor walked in I motioned him to come over, and he rolled his eyes and sat by those two girls! Wtf.?! I looked back at the guys and they knew as soon as they looked at me I was pissed! I mean who wouldn't be! He's such a a player !

Jack G- Ri you're ok please sit down and breath..Ri! .. RI.?!

I went over to them..

Ri- Hey Taylor

Girl 1: Listen slut he doesn't want you anymore, you're trash..

I did the unthinkable..

I started hitting her..

When we were both on the ground I got on top of her and I was wailing punches left and right.. When someone pulled me off of her..

It was Taylor.


Taylor- Ri stop let her go!

Ri (crying now)- GET AWAY TAYLOR!

Taylor- Go get help someone!

2 minutes later the principle pulled me off her and I stood up and all the guys, including taylor were staring at me with disbelief.

I walked straight out to the principles office. Of course they had to call my parents and I knew I was gonna get it from them.

When they got there they just looked at me like I was someone else and I broke down.. That's when they knew it was her..

Ashely Wright. I cut because of her. I lost Taylor because of her. I'm expelled because of her. I'm not happy anymore.

It's been about a month since I've been expelled.. it was really bad.. I haven't talked to any of the guys. When I finally got my phone back I went on my twitter and went straight to Tays page.... That's when life as I knew it ended.. Crushed.. Wiped out.. Pointless..

Taylor was dating Ashely..

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now