He's back

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Chap 20-

Taylor's POV-

Taylor- Morning sexy -smirks-

Kylie- M-m-morning taylor ..

Taylor- Babe I said I wouldn't do that again so stop acting like you gonna get your ass up an' leave cause that's not happening, might as well get comfortable..-kisses kylie hard-

Kylie- -kisses back- Just don't hurt me again baby.. -looks at Taylor-

Taylor- You forgive me baby? -slightly smiles-

Kylie- Of course baby -kisses his cheek-

Taylor- Get ready we have to go take care of things -smiles-

Ri's POV

God I don't think I've been this upset in forever! I hate this feeling it's like I have lost the most important thing that I had... And that's exactly what happened..

I put my earbuds in and stared listening to "Am I Wrong" by Nico & Vinz. I laid down on the couch and drifted off. When I woke up it was 630 so I got up and took a quick shower, blow dried my hair and put it in a messy bun. I put on one of my pink tournament shirts and some black shorts. I wanted to just have a chill night with Caitlyn.

Caitlyn- I've missed this Ri..

Ri- -hugs Caitlyn- Me too Caite.. Me too..

I got up to get me and Catie some ice cream when the door bell rang..

Ri- It's open!

Catie- Uh uh uh Ri!

I turned around and that's when I felt somebody's lips on mine ...

He put his hands around my waist and sets me on the counter..

I tried pushing him away but he wouldn't let go..! So that's when I made the stupid decision to kiss back. I stared running my fingers through his hair and he finally reasled..

It was *gco by Taylor's car pulling up*

Ri- Hide now!

Taylor's POV

When we pulled up to Ri's house I was gonna tell her everything. That I got with Kylie to break her heart to make up for what she did to Ri. I was gonna get her back. When I got to the front door it was open but it was just Ri and Catie..

Taylor- Ri we need to talk..


Taylor- Sorry gorgeous.. Listen the only reason I got with Kylie was because I wanted to lead her on to break her heart to get back at her for what she did to you. I love you Ansley Marie Cole you're my everything..

*pulls out promise ring*

Please take this ring and be mine again?

Ri's POV

*takes ring and puts it on*

Taylor I can't believe you I was so hurt baby .. *cries a little*

*taylor kisses ri*

Taylor- Baby it's ok I'm here now..

That's when everything stirred up..

The closet door opened..

And out walked Jack..

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now