Chapter 9

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Okay, let's get down to business first. I have come up with a name for all you random strangers because I'm weird like that and I'm a bit bored with just saying "y'all". So here it is. Your new name :

*Flashing neon lights*


Yes yes. You are my Brotatoes. Be proud.

- - -

Terezi's POV

After I finished bringing justice to the unjust, Karkat and I just sat in my pile of scalemates and talked for a bit. I'm just having a normal conversation with him, but my heart is soaring. Even though I've had red feelings for him for a while, every time I'm around him, they grow a bit more. At this point, they should be at the limit, but nope, they just keep on rising. A little bit at a time. Millimeter by millimeter. Just sitting next to him is difficult. I remember falling asleep on him, and he was *so* warm. I want to feel that warmth again, to feel him holding me. I guess I'm just being stupid and desperate, but I can't help it. These feelings I have towards Karkat are so strong and real. They will never go away, they can only grow more and more, turning my insides to mush, and making my heart soar to the point it could carry me with it through the clouds.

- - -

Karkat's POV

I know how Terezi feels about me. And I am quite aware of how I feel about her, as they are *my* feelings. I love everything about her, but I won't go into that because the list would take more than several sweeps to read, I'm sure. I want to just sit with her right here forever. I have no idea what I'm doing. What am I doing ? I have no control.


"Y34H ?"


What the fuck did I just say ? !

Terezi's POV

Did he just... Did he really just..... Oh my Gog. Was that for real, or am I just daydreaming ? No, I can smell him blushing. This really just happened. Oh my Gog.

"UMM. NO. NOT 4T 4LL."

He leaned over and kissed me. The warmth from last night is nothing compared to the warmth that just filled my whole body. It spread like wildfire, starting from my lips and going to the very tips of my toes. I never wanted it to end, but when it did, I was still consumed in warmth. I felt Karkat smile. Karkat smiled. I could tell he was about to say something, but something made me kiss him again. It's like my think pan was on auto-pilot, I didn't even think about kissing him again, I just did it. His lips were soft against mine, and I could smell him blushing enough to turn his skin completely red. I was blushing just as much. We pulled apart and he smiled yet again. We fell asleep in the pile of scalemates, the same way we had the night before. His warmth still coursing throughout my veins as though it was my own. When I thought back on it, it was nice that he asked if he could kiss me. I don't think most trolls would do that, but Karkat did. He also probably didn't want to scare me. Whether he likes it or not, he is very considerate. He may act like an asshole, but he still cares about others. I fell asleep, yet again, on top of the person I care about most.

Karkat's POV

I guess my brain doing whatever the fuck it wanted didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would. At least it had the decency to be polite and not just go for it, which probably would've scared her. I don't thing she would sense something like that coming. She laid down on top of me and, once again, I was pinned under a sleepy troll that I happened to have feelings for. Feelings that would take over my think pan and do whatever the fuck they wanted. I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep.

- - -

I owe this chapter to Bellatrix677 for helping me to stop being so Gog damned lazy and write because I'm killing my readers one by one. Y'all are dying slowly and painfully because I ended with yet another cliff hanger. So here ya go. The ship has sailed, and it will not be sinking any time soon. Not on my watch. Nuh uh mister. that ship will sail all the way to the New World where ships can live happily ever after. And I'm going to leave it there before I get too carried away (like I already have). Hon hon hon (French laughing, of course). Please don't die before the next chapter. Shank you (in the polite way, of course) for reading ! Bye my Brotatoes ;p

~Lawrene (I don't even know anymore _._ )

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