Chapter 18

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Karkat's POV

I couldn't believe that she was here. No. No I'm dreaming. It's all just a dream. There's no way-- yeah. there's no way she would come here. It's just my dream-maker-thing-person being cruel to me. Yeah, that's what this is. If I could just wake up...

Terezi's POV

Maybe this wasn't a good idea. Maybe Karkat doesn't want me to be here. But... okay yeah, I'm worried. I'm worried about him. He's so depressed I'm just... I'm worried of what he might do. I don't think he would do anything to hurt himself, but at the same time I'm just not sure. I'm also not sure if I should say something, or walk back out of the room. No. No, I need to talk to him.

"Yeah, it's me," I finally forced out. He didn't say anything and I could feel the panic and confusion coming from him. "Karkat, I-- I know what you're feeling right now. I can't really say that I relate to it, but I can feel it, so don't tell me otherwise." Still nothing. "Karkat ?" Silence. Seriously, was this really a good idea ?

Karkat's POV

I felt another poke at my shoulder and then remembered that I couldn't be dreaming because there was no place or person for me to dream, which means this is actually happening. Well, fuck. "Um... what exactly are you doing here ?" it came out a little harsher than I meant it to, but at the same time, I had a lot of worked up feelings towards her.

"I was worried about you..." she mumbled.

"Really ? You didn't seem that worried to me. Besides, you had Dave to occupy you. So why worry about me when you have him around, right ?" My words felt like acid at this point and I didn't hold back any of the bitterness I felt towards the pair.

"I know, I know. And I'm really sorry I didn't talk to you before. I'm sorry for ignoring you. If I had known how bad you felt, I would have talked to you sooner."

"Oh yeah, of  course. I would love for you to talk to me out of pity. In fact, I'm happy that that's exactly what you're doing right now. Wait no, that was sarcasm. Actually, the last thing I need right now is pity. The last thing I ever needed was pity, but I got it anyway. There's so much for people to pity me for. My blood color, my goddamned horns, the way I have so much hate for myself and others. I get pity thrown at me, though I don't want it. I don't want it from you, or Rose, or anyone because I hate pity more than everything else in this universe combined. But, nope. The first time you talk to me after all of this, is simply just out of pity. Did you ever think about talking to me because you just wanted to talk or because you just simply wanted to be nice ? No. You ignored me and pushed any thought of me deep into the darkest, forgotten crevices in your mind and paid no attention to me. And just now you come and talk to me because you feel sorry for me." I haven't ranted in such a long time, and I forgot how good it felt. Yeah, I was still worked up, at least I got that much off my chest.

"I know you hate pity, Karkat. And that's that not what I meant to come out of all of this. The main reason was to make sure you're okay, which I know is stupid. I can tell you're not okay. I just want to make sure that you're not going to harm yourself in any way. I understand that you don't feel feel important, but you are."

"Terezi, I've screwed everything up, can't you see? We're on a fucking meteor. I've been a shit leader and just ended up bringing us all down in the end. I've been a jerk to other people, I've told people all of their flaws, when I have so many of my own, and because of that, a lot of people hate me. And I hate myself, too. There's nothing left about me to not hate."

"Karkat, no one blames you for what happened in the game. You couldn't see it coming, and neither did any of us. None of us hate you. They'll forgive you for being a jerk. You can't blame yourself for this or it'll destroy you, and I don't want you to be destroyed. None of us here do. I know I've done my share in hurting you, and I'm sorry I waited this long to talk to you, but I need you to be okay."

"Why ? Even if I'm gone, you still have Dave. He'll be there for you. Not to mention, he's a much better person than I've ever been."

"Karkat, what on Alternia are you talking about ? Sure, Dave and I are Bros, as he puts it, but that doesn't mean I don't still care about you. Karkat, if you left, do you seriously think it wouldn't affect me ? Yeah, I would have Dave, but I wouldn't have you anymore."

"I thought you and Dave had a moirallegiance..."

Terezi sighed. "Karkat, out of all the romcoms you've watched, I thought you would've at least been able to see that Dave and I are just 'friends', as the humans would say. I was just really happy that he was alive, after seeing him die. Yeah, it was just a doomed timeline, I know, but still. I just wanted to 'hang out' with him because he's a cool-dude and he wasn't actually dead."

"Oh." I feel like an idiot now, honestly.

"Karkat, were you jealous ?"

"No ! I just....." I could feel my face getting warmer.

Terezi cackled, finding this major embarrassment on my part rather entertaining. "I can't believe it ! I thought you would've tried to play it a little cooler," she said, then continued laughing.

"Oh hush. It still doesn't help the fact that we're on a meteor, thanks to my doing."

"For the love of Gog, Karkat. There's nothing anyone could've done about that and I suggest letting it go, because, like I said before, I can't have you being destroyed by your own self."

"Okay, okay," I grumbled.

"Good, now, are you going to sit in here and be depressed, or are you going to come out there," she pointed in the direction of everyone else, "and put everything behind you while you have a pretty okay time and see things in a new light ?"

I sighed. "Alright, fine."

"Yay !" She stood up and then pulled me up until I was standing and we walked out towards everyone else. They were all asleep, so as quietly as we could, we sat down and, I have to admit, it felt really nice to have Terezi sitting next to me. I was still a bit upset that we weren't together anymore, but at least I know that she doesn't hate me and that she hasn't moved on to Dave. And while she drifted off to sleep, I was aware of her head slowly coming to rest on my shoulder. Soon, I was asleep as well, and for once in a long time, I felt as though everything was going to be alright.

- - -

> Author's Note

Wow, 1,200 words in one chapter. I'm proud of myself, Brotatoes. I've never even written anything this long for school. But this is the end. I know this was incredibly cliche, but this was a pretty cheesy story, anyway. If I can think of anything else, I might do another, but for right now, and most likely, this is the last chapter. So I'm going to treat it like it's the last chapter. I really hope y'all liked this story and I'm so happy I got as many reads and as much feedback as I did. I know that everyone says this but, I honestly thought that no one was going to read this. It's my first actual story, meaning that it's the only one I've started and was actually happy enough with it to complete it. But thank you guys so much and I will hopefully come up with another story to write, but this may very well be my only story. I love all you little derps ^u^

~Laurenbob .-. 

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