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Karkat's POV

I no longer needed 'therapy sessions' with Rose. I was so much less depressed now that Terezi was back to talking to me again. I still had pretty strong feelings for her, but she might not feel the same. It's just something I have to keep to myself, I guess. If I ask her about it, she might get distant again, and that's the last thing I want. I'll have to admit, it's kind of painful. Yeah, we're friends and we talk everyday, but I really want to tell her how I feel. I guess I'll just live with it.

Terezi's POV

My feelings for Karkat had gown down a considerable amount, but now that we're talking again, they've come back a bit. I doubt he feels the same. After I started pushing him away ? Yeah, no way he likes me anymore. He might just be talking to me because I'm the only one who bothers with trying to talk to him. I guess it's just one of those things I'll have to keep to myself. Speaking of the angry troll, I should probably go see if he feels like being with other people. He doesn't really talk to anyone else, so I feel like it's up to me to help him out. It's not like I mind. I love talking to him. Sure it kinda hurts, but any conversation is nice. I would tell him how I feel, but if it ends up screwing stuff up, then he would be alone again. I can't do that to him. I was the reason we broke up in the first place. I don't know why I pushed him away, really, but I did. I can't be the cause of another bad thing between us.

I decided I would just get up and go talk to him, instead of drowning myself in terrible thoughts. I just won't say anything and keep it to myself. I knocked on the door and walked in. I felt around and sat down next to him, our backs against the wall.

"Hi Karkl-at." Woah there Terezi. Let's not bring that name up again.

"Hey Terezi."

"What's up ?"

"What do you think ?"

"Right.... You seem grumpier today that usual, Karkat."

"Well is there a reason not to be grumpy ?" Yeah, okay. That I can understand. Though mine's for different reasons.

"Um, let me see.... Nope."


We sat in silence for a little while, then Karkat spoke again. Well, almost.

"Hey Terezi ?"

"Yes, Karkat ?"

"Um, I wanted to say.... never mind."

"No it's okay Karkat, you can talk to me. You can tell me anything, really."

"If I tell you, you won't get mad or anything, right ?"

"Karkat, what on Alternia could you tell me that would make me mad ?"

"I um.... can you go back to..... um, I never actually disliked the name 'Karkles'."

"That's it ? Karkat why would you think that would make me mad ?"

"I don't know. I just wasn't sure..."

"Would you mind if I called you that again ?" Please say yes. It's actually kind of hard to refrain from calling him that nickname.

"Not at all."

"Okay Kaaaaaaaaarkles." I made sure to drag it out.

"Wow I forgot how much I miss-"

"What was that, Karkles ?" He took a big breath and then let it out.

"I missed that name, and I missed you. Fuck, Terezi. I miss you, okay ? It's really fucking killing me to sit here and talk to you like nothing ever happened between us. I still have feelings for you. In fact, they've never gone away. This might ruin this whole friendship we've just built up, but I can't hide it anymore. I've tried to keep it to myself, but it's fucking killing me. I'm sorry if I've just ruined everything, but there, I've said what's been on my mind.... fuck, I'm sorry." Wait.... What ?

"Karkles you have nothing to be sorry for. I was the one who pushed you away. And honestly, my feelings never went completely away."

"Wait, really ?"

"Yeah..." Suddenly, I felt arms around me. I forgot how much I loved his hugs. I hugged him back and couldn't help it as a few tears slipped out of my eyes. He pulled back and wiped them away. I felt his lips on my forehead.

"Please don't ever leave me again," he said as he hugged me again.

"I promise." We spent quite a long time in each others' embrace, happy that nothing was hidden anymore.

- - -

> Author's Note

Hey Brotatoes. Here's that last chapter. A few people were unhappy with the 'ending' in the last chapter and asked me to write another one. This one's kind of suckish cuz I didn't really know how to write this using a lot of words. So, it's kinda short, but I've tied up loose ends. I really hope y'all have enjoyed this book and this is officially the last chapter. Thanks for reading this book/story/whatever-you-want-to-call-it and if you enjoyed it then good, I'm glad you did ! If you didn't, then I'm really sorry. Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS !

~Laurenbob .-.

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