Chapter 9: A Bunch of Babies

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Rouge's baby continued to do crying louder than a monster truck. Sonic looked at the baby really close.

"Hey Espio," said Sonic. "Aren't babies supposed to look like you? Rouge's baby doesn't look like you but looks like someone else I know." Sonic rubbed his chin and thought about who it was that it looked like.

"Yeah Espio, Rouge's baby looks like Knuckles!" said Vector. "Cool, I'm gonna go tell him!" Vector ran like a crocodile would to find Knuckles to tell him that what he said. Rouge was still on the ground looking all tired and sore, and Ms. Lesson was rubbing her butt because it was hurting from the baby that came out when she gave birth to her baby. This dang baby was still crying.

Espio looked worried about it. "You guys are right... why does not that baby look like me?" Espio went over to Ms. Lesson who was holding the baby still and looked at it closer and still could not see himself in the baby. "This does not make sense!" said Espio to the baby.

Just then Vector came out of the door and there was Knuckles too, huffing and puffing and looking surprised. Knuckles went right to Rouge and looked at the baby. "Wagooh!" he said, making that sound when he saw the baby (Rouge's baby) that looked like him. The baby was still crying. "What is wrong with you!" yelled Knuckles at Rouge. "Why did you go and have a baby! Now I gotta be your dad!" he kept yelling at her with the maddest feelings. Knuckles thought about his horoscope that he read this morning and it said "Your biggest fear will come true so you better watch out." Now he knew what that meant, it was about Rouge's baby, because Knuckles did not want this responsibility. It is harder than having a dog.

Rouge was tired and Rouge's baby was crying but Rouge was crying and scared of Knuckles's volcano rage and said "I'm sorry! It was supposed to be Espio's baby. I'm sorry it wasn't because he would not treat me like this!"

What Rouge said sent Knuckles into the next level of his anger. He turned even redder and looked at Espio. "You tried to have a baby with her? Rouge is mine! You are not allowed!" Knuckles charged at Espio but Vector held him back. Sonic thought "Vector, why would you bring him here if you just know it was going to cause trouble."

Espio said, "What? I did not know. You are not BoyFriend and GirlFriend." Espio seemed scared but still kind of calm.

"We are but it was a secret! Now you have to pay!" Knuckles kept trying to get at Espio but Vector was holding him back, and thank goodness Vector was here because he was the captain of the football team and could restrain him like a crocodile seatbelt that could also talk to you. Knuckles could not get to him so he said "Tomorrow, we will fight! Meet me in the hallway at the end of school and prepare for me to beat on your ass, shitman!" Knuckles stormed out of the lunch room and went away.

Rouge's baby stopped crying and said "No, come back. You don't have to fight Espio." But it was too late because Knuckles was so gone by then.

Rouge patted her baby on the head and said "You should go to sleep and get your rest, baby. You are probably tired." So Rouge's baby went to sleep and was finally quiet. Espio tried his best to look like a big tough guy and not panic but he was secretly scared and went back to doing what he was doing before this baby thing happened. So did Sonic, too.

The rest of school and getting home from school happened. Sonic did not see Tails or Knuckles for any part of it. Tails was still mad at Sonic. Sonic took out his Sonic Phone on his way home and called his GirlFriend, Amy.

"Hey Amy, so did you decide if you wanted sex?" said Sonic.

"You know," said Amy. "Sonic, I am just too stressed out and nervous by everything going on at high school. Things are so crazy!"

"Damn," said Sonic, and hung up the phone and finished getting home. Sonic thought he would never be True BoyFriend and GirlFriend with Amy at this rate. It was almost like she had a second BoyFriend that Sonic did not know about and that was why Amy did not want sex from Somic.

Sonic had dinner and then thought about his friends. Espio and Knuckles were both his friends but they were intending to fight. What could Sonic do? Sonic figured that they are still both his friend but he would go visit Espio because he was not the one who said to fight and because Knuckles had spikes on his hands that would make it hard to beat him in a fight. Sonic went to Espio's house.

"Ding dong" said Espio's doorbell and Sonic waited at the door. Espio showed up at the door and opened it.

"Hey Sonic, thanks for coming." Said Espio to Sonic. "You gotta help me prepare for this fight. We can start by learning how to get rid of puncture wounds. I was trying not to look nervous to Knuckles, but actually I was. Also, did you hear about Charmy Bee?"

"Nope, I did not hear." Said Sonic back to Espio.

"Knuckles kidnapped that little gay and is threatening to hurt him if I don't show up to fight him tomorrow. So I have to especially now, because the gods will crush my soul even if Charmy Bee is an annoying idiot loser." Said Espio then back to Sonic.

"Oh no, that's really bad," said Sonic. Sonic knew this now had to happen too because his morals were probably the best ever. He did not know Knuckles would stoop to such a mean thing. Sonic and Espio then walked into Espio's house and up the stairs to Espio's bed room.

"Our other friend is here too," said Espio just as he was opening the door to his bed room. Espio finished opening the door and there was Tails, who was standing in Espio's room. The moment Tails saw Sonic, his face turned into a salad of anger, the devil, and lava.

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