Chapter 20: New Sonic

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"Wake up," said Sonic to Amy as he kicked her a little on the ground, where she was lying, looking like a dead woman, but she was not actually dead. "Wake up." Amy opened her eyes and blinked and rubbed her eyes, and then she sat up a little.

"Sonic?" she said in a voice like a person who was living poorly. "Is... that... you?" Amy looked so old and dead from being in detention. It looked like she did not eat or drink at all in a week.

"Yes, it is, now listen," said Sonic angrily to Amy who was still on the ground looking up while looking dying. "Do you know where I found this?" Sonic held out Amy's big gold bracelet from her hand that she was not wearing, so it must have been hers.

"What?" said Amy to Sonic, looking confused and tired. "That... is... mine... where... did you... find that?" Amy coughed and sounded like diseased African kids.

"Wow, idiot, I just asked you that," said Sonic to Amy in an angry and annoyed way. "So you are not gonna tell me where this bracelet was?"

"I... don't... know..." said Amy to Sonic with a crackly sounding voice.

"It was up in Cream's vagina, that is where," said Sonic to Amy. "Why was your jewlery in another girls' vagina!" screamed Sonic.

"I... I..." said Amy, trying to say what she wanted to, in a response to Sonic.

"Say you are sorry to me!" shouted Sonic at Amy.

"No... Sonic... I..." said Amy in still a slow dying way like that.

"FUCK YOU! If you are not gonna say you are sorry for cheating with me on another girl's vagina, then we are DONE!" shouted Sonic, with all of his rage running out of his mouth like a train full of swords. Sonic was also did not even notice he was crying, which was out of his eyes.

"Sonic!... don't..." said Amy like a weakling but before she could say the rest of her words Sonic ran out of the detention room and shut the door behind him so they were still in there, and he did not rescue them.

Sonic ran fast as he could to his home and slammed the door behind him and screamed into his bed and cried and punched things and was just so emotional. Sonic could not take all of this pain from being betrade by his GirlFriend, the person he was one day going to go and get married to and have children with and live in a house with and be with together. Sonic knew it was not fair that this would happen and that he also had the deadliest disease in the world and would end up dying before everyone else. He cut his wrists a little but did not do it too much because it was dangerous, like they said at the presentation at school.

Sonic cried so hard that he fell asleep, and then he woke up a little while later and looked in the mirror at himself. He did not want to see him anymore, because that was all about him being ruined by other people, even when he was the nicest to everyone. Sonic reached into his drawers and pulled out a black hair dye. Sonic filled up the bath tub with this dye and it looked like a portal to Evil World, and then took a bath in it, and when he came out, all of his fur was black. There was no blue on him anymore anywhere. He looked like Shadow, but only similar. Sonic looked into the mirror again now that he was not blue anymore. He did not say anything but only looked at himself and looked angry, but not at himself, but at everyone else.

Then, Sonic next jumped out of his bedroom window instead of going around and down and using the front door. It was bad, like something Shadow would do. Sonic ran away to the tattoo store, and looked at their tattoos. They were all gay. He did not see one that he wanted, but then he went to the tattoo man and threatened him until he let him into the secret back room of tattoos for free.

There were a lot of cool bad tattoos back in the back room, like ones with guns and cigarets and motorcycles and middle fingers and some with also curse words on them, but Sonic knew which one he wanted finally when he saw it. Sonic got "FUCK GIRLS" tattooed right across his chest because he was sick of being ruined by girls like Amy and Cream, who let Amy into her vagina so it was the fault of her too. Sonic ran back home and waited for the next day, kicking and punching things the whole time like a BadAss.

It was now the next day of High School, and new Black Sonic went to school, looking like an angry black man instead of a nice blue man like he was every other day. This was a new Sonic, and everyone better watch out because he is sick of the world. Shadow was walking in the hallway and he saw Sonic. "Hey Sonic!" said Shadow to Sonic. "What is up with your new black fur?"

"Don't talk to me," said Sonic in a voice darker than Shadow when he was committing crimes. He sounded so angry.

"What are you trying to copy off me now?" Shadow laughed and smiled, saying this to Sonic. Sonic gave him one look, and, almost like being black gave him powers, Sonic punched Shadow right in the mouth, on his face, and Shadow went flying across the room and hit the wall and was all bloody. Sonic kept walking like nothing happened at all, but other people were looking and were now becoming scared of the new Black Sonic.

Sonic went to all of his classes but did not talk to anyone. Even Ms. Lesson and other teachers looked afraid of Sonic, because he was now scary. Sonic did do some things though, like shove a teenage idiot in his locker, and then punch a student who had Autism for laughing at him. Sonic did not go to lunch, though, he just went outside where no one was and masterbated on his penis and thought about his angry feelings, which were like giant bees, flying around on fire. Then Tails came outside.

"Sonic, I was looking for you and I found you, why are you not at lunch," said Tails to Sonic, who was sitting on a curb thing. "Why?"

"Leave... leave me alone," said Sonic to Tails in the angry way like before.

"Are you mad?" said Tails to Sonic.

"I said leave me ALONE!" shouted Sonic to Tails, and he threw a rock at him. The rock missed Tails and Tails went over to Sonic.

"No, Sonic, you are my best friend," said Tails to Sonic. "Tell me what is wrong? Why are you black?"

Sonic looked mad and frustrated, but let off a little and opened up to Tails like a book opening. "Fine... that bitch Amy, who is not my GirlFriend anymore, would not say sorry to me, so I broke up with her," said Sonic to Tails, but Sonic was not looking at Tails and was looking at the ground.

"Oh my god! Panic!" said Tails to Sonic. He was looking at Sonic, though.

"No, I am over her. I am different now. I have learened about the world and I am not so stupid and happy like I used to be. I am black now." Sonic said to Tails, sounding still angry even though he was talking to Tails.

"Oh, okay..." said Tails, sounding sad and disappointy. "I just wanted to make sure you are okay. Espio was worried about you too. He also said Knuckles might fail out of High School because he is now a baby and is having the hardest time doing his classes as a baby. I brought you a sandwich." Tails gave the sandwich to Sonic, and he ate it like a rhino chewing up a bag of humans, and when he finished the sandwich, the next period started and Sonic and Tails went to the rest of their classes.

Sonic then went home at the end of the day and lied down on his bed and looked up. "Fuck everyone," though Sonic, inside of his head, not saying it out loud. "Fuck the world... I am gonna die and no one cares about me...". Sonic just lied and thought and then did a workout to become big and strong.

Sonic sat down at the end of it, tired and sweaty but now strong, "What can I do?" thought Sonic. "Wait... Amy and Rouge gets out of deteniton tomorrow...".

Sonic looked at his body in front of him and then said, "I am gonna make that bitch pay."

Sonic High School by DarkDoomFireMasterWhere stories live. Discover now