Chapter 18: The Murderer

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Vector ran at Sonic and Knuckles Jr who were there in his room with his teeth going a million miles an our. "Here comes your death, straight from my mouth!" said Vector as he ran at them, still going.

"Aah!" shouted Sonic. Sonic was fast and able to do it, so he ran forward and between Vector's legs, under his body and hit his head into Vector's penis while sliding through. He was still holding Knuckles Jr, the baby. Sonic ran to another wall of the room, but Vector ran right back at him with his big crocodile bite move, and Sonic doged him again, and it kept happening again and again. "Stop it!" shouted Sonic. "Stop doing this!" Sonic was sick of hitting his head into Vector's penis. It was beginning to leave a mark, and it was embarrassing to Sonic to have someone else's penis mark on your head. "This better come out before school," said Sonic, rubbing the mark Vector's penis left on his forhead.

"No! You must die!" said Vector and continued to be the murderer that he had turned out to be.

"No! Stop! Come on!" said Sonic, yelling, and he was getting so mad. But Vector ran at him another time and Sonic kept hitting his thick green crocodile dick and it kept getting harder now every time he hit it. Sonic guessed weird things like this were sexy to Vector. Sonic kept hitting his penis and making it harder and harder until one time, Sonic slided under where his penis and stuff was and hit it with his head again so semen ejaculated out of his penis and across the floor in a big long puddle like a Slip And Slide covered with mayonnaise.

"All right!" said Sonic. Vector looked shocked, like he had did not even notice that his penis was turning into a hard penis. Now Sonic threw Knuckles Jr at the puddle of Vector's semen. Knuckles Jr glided across Vector's semen like a baby speedboat and did a roller coaster turn and flew up on to Vector. Knuckles Jr landed somewhere on him and did a tumble forward and got to his head where he poked Vector's eyes, and Vector began to scream.

"Ahhh! Bitch baby! That hurts! I'll kill you!" screamed Vector while Knuckles Jr rolled off his body and over to the door of his room.

"Over here, Sonic!" said Knuckles Jr while Vector was still rubbing his eyes which hurt from the attack. Sonic ran over to the door and with his speeding legs, kicked it down like a professional wrestler picking a person up and hitting them down on to the ground through a door. Sonic then picked up Knuckles Jr and ran through the door and down the hall through Vector's house and saw lots of green things and things that were about crocodiles, and also bad things like rooms full of drugs and guns, and even things like weird African porn videos. Then he got to a different door and opened it and walked into the other side and closed the door and put some things in front of the door to block it. Then with a stomping loud noise like a bowling ball with legs was jumping up and down on the floor and hitting it hard. Vector went up to the door and put his body on it trying to crash through it like a penis going into a big hard vagina.

"Open this please!" screamed Vector as he tried to hit it down.

"No! Why did you kill Charmy?" shouted Sonic at Vector who was on the other side of the door that was hard to get through.

"Because Knuckles messed it all up! Knuckles or Espio was supposed to kill the other one when they fought in the school hallway that one time! I made that fight happen because I wanted one of them to die because they are both fag lords and they are the only people who could beat me and become the new Football Team captain. So I went to Knuckles house instead after and replaced him with a robot Charmy and took the real Charmy home and chewed on his broken body and made him into meat that I can use for meals! He was no use to anyone, especially not me, none of you are AHHHHH!" Vector screamed and screamed and hit the door but still could not get through.

"Where did you get a Charmy robot? Is Eggman involved? This could ruin things for everyone, don't you know!" said Sonic back to Vector like a ship sending a message to a different ship.

"When you begin to do crimes, you become dark, and I have now become darker than Shadow! I made friends with Al Qaeda and they made me a Charmy robot using Osama Ben Laden's technology! He was bulletproof and was going to kill first Knuckles and then Espio in the hospital and then maybe the rest of you if I wanted but you messed it up, shit idiot, AHHHHHH!" Vector hit on the door so hard that it actually started to break.

"Let's get out of here!" said Knuckles Jr. "We can call police! Let's just get out of here and get safe!" Then Sonic and Knuckles ran out of the house but just when they were doing that ,Vector broke through the door and jumped like an alligator at Sonic and Knuckles Jr and hit them to the ground and landed on top of them.

"Now I will kill you just like I did to Charmy!" said Vector and opened his mouth really big to bite their bodies. But then all of the sudden something came from out of the sky and picked them up and Vector was left there on the ground looking like a teen loser.

"We're in the air now," said Tails. "I rescued you!" Tails was using his flying tails to fly and was holding Sonic who was holding Knuckles Jr. They were like a helicopter?

"What! How did you know we were here?" said Sonic, who was so shocked to be in this situation.

"I looked the Charmy robot and figured out it was from Al Qaeda and broke into the government computer network system data and found out that Vector was friends with Al Qaeda," said Tails, the smart friend of Sonic.

"But I thought you were pissed at me!" said Sonic, with a questioning sound.

"I am tired of being mad at you. We are best friends again." Said Tails.

"Cool, now let's get Vector!" said Sonic. By now they were up above the clouds, which is very high. "Fly down and I will kick his face off!"

Tails flew down fast and Sonic held on to Knuckles Jr really tightfully. Sonic had his leg sticking out to kick and they went down faster than a shooting star being shot out of a gun down. They went down back to the floor where Vector was and kicked Vector's face. Vector's head almost spun around because they hit him so hard, but now he was on to the ground. "Tails! Do that one more time!" said Sonic.

Tails flew up and then Sonic revealed his balls even though he could see almost the whole country from up here. He did not care because this was more important. Sonic scratched his balls and held on to Knuckles Jr while Tails flew down fast again. Sonic's balls dragged behind him in the sky and then they went down to the bottom of the ground and Sonic's diseased balls smacked right into Vector's face.

"NOOOO!" screamed Vector as Sonic's balls smacked into his mouth and nose and eyes like a plastic bag full of pudding. Vector looked into the sky and made an asshole face for the last time and then he turned into stone and then turned into dust and was now dead.

"I can be glad for ones that my balls are very poisonous," said Sonic as he looked at the pile of dust that was Vector before he died and did some squinting. "He is dead and everyone is ok now."

"Thank goodness," said Knuckles Jr to them. "This was too much excitement for one night."

"Look at the bright side," said Tails to them. "Two of the worst fag ass teenagers in High School are dead!"

"Yes, it is all fixed now," said Sonic.

They took Charmy's body with them but not Vector's (who was now a pile of dust) because they thought he did not deserve to be nice to. Then they went home to get ready for school tomorrow and Sonic thought, "There are still more problems to deal with in High School. This is not over, especially not for me."

Sonic High School by DarkDoomFireMasterWhere stories live. Discover now