Chapter 19: Secret Prostitute

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It was now a new day of school and Sonic went right to school. Sonic had Knuckles and Knuckles Jr in his backpack since he still had them after explaining what happened to Knuckles yesterday. Sonic scratched his balls along the way, and they were only getting worse. "You look like spoiled meat," said Sonic to his balls. Sonic got to school and the first thing he did was bring Charmy's dead head to the Theater Club, because that was Charmy's favorite thing, and Sonic thought Charmy would like It if they used his face for a mask for the next play now that he is dead. Then Sonic took the rest of Charmy's body and put it outside in a trash can so nobody would look and try and find it and it could be safe and alone.

Sonic went to his first class and his second class and even his third class and else and went to lunch, where there were his friends. "Hey guys," said Sonic to them.

"Hey Sonic," said Espio. "I am back from the hospital. Where is Charmy and Vector?"

"Well, they are dead," said Sonic. "Vector killed Charmy and we keilled Vector, so they are now both dead. Vector was a bad guy, so we will not be in trouble."

"Yeah," said Tails. "They will not come back to lunch anymore. I rescued Sonic and Knuckles Jr."

"Oh, that's right, where are Knuckles (my baby with Rouge) and Knuckles Jr?" said Espio to Sonic and Tails.

"They are right here, here you go," said Sonic and Sonic gave the two babies to Espio. What a relief. Sonic was tired of having to take care of babies that were not even his. It is good that Sonic has the best morals of all Hugh School students because any other person pretty much would not have taken good care of them.

"Hey ass butthole," said Shadow. "It is my job to do crimes!" Then Shadow laughed and high fived Sonic for doing a good job. Sonic was the best.

"Please explain to Silver what happened," said Sonic to Shadow.

"Okay, I will explain it to him. I wish he was in the same lunch period as us but he is not," said Shadow, in an explaining way.

"I would not high five Sonic," said Tails. "His balls are full of poison and it is easily catchable!"

"TailS!" screamed Sonic.

"So it is true, you really do have a ball problem," said Espio. "It is ok Sonic, other people have problems and your balls are just like their's."

"Okay, but this is different and bad and getting only more worse," said Sonic, with a worrying voice. "Whatever!"

"It is almost summer," said Tails. "That means High School is ending soon!"

"Cool, yeah!" said everyone at the same time because it was easier to. Then everyone went to different classes. Tails went to his smart class that he was in with Cream, but Cream was standing out side of the class, where Tails went to.

"Cream, you are standing outside the class, why?" said Tails to Cream.

"Didn't you hear! Charmy is dead and it relaxes me so much because now I do not have to break up with him. We can become true BoyFriend and GirlFriend now!" said Cream to Tails, in the hallway outside.

"But, we have class now," said Tails to Cream.

"Forget class, smarto!" said Cream shoutingly. Cream pulled on Tails' hand until his whole body moved and brought him into a closet in the school. It was big enough inside for sex is what Tails noticed. Cream locked the door and took off all of her clothing. Tails was so shocked but he looked at her sexy body and it looked like a beautiful naked man with a vagina. Cream took out her vagini and showed it to Tails and he went nuts. His penis got hard as a printer because her vagina looked like a cold cut platter.

Sonic High School by DarkDoomFireMasterWhere stories live. Discover now