Chapter 16: Responsibilities

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It was now a new day of school and Sonic went to it. Sonic took a peek at the auditorium where the bomb had gone off last night and it looked like they were fixing it, so that was good. Sonic went to his first class, and his second class, and all of the classes after that until lunch, which is what he was at now. Sonic went to his lunch table and was about to say "Hey guys," but then he looked at his normal lunch table and he thought, "What has happened?" Tails was not here because he has been mad at Sonic, Knuckles was not here because he was now a baby and with Rouge, Espio was not here because he was at the hospital after fighting with Knuckles before he became a baby, and Charmy was not here because he was still in a disappearing mystery. The only people that were there were Shadow and Vector.

"Hey guys," said Sonic. "What is going on with High School?"

"It sure is crazy," laughed Vector while he ate his yellow sandwich.

"Has anything new happened today?" said Sonic to them.

"Didn't you hear?" said Shadow. "Espio is back out from the hospital. He would be here at lunch right now but he is getting all of his work from his teachers."

"That reminds me," said Vector. "Also, Knuckles is having trouble with grades. Now that he has become a baby, he has not turned in any of his homework or tests and he is going to fail High School and get kicked out if he doesn't do them."

"Wow, that's tough," said Sonic. And then all of the sudden, the announcement speaker came on.

"Attention teenagers," said the announcement speaker. "Amy and Rouge have denetion for going in the Boy's Room last night after the play. Please go there immediately."

"Oh no!" said Sonic so immediately.

"Looks like they're gonna be in there for a long time," said Shadow.

"There is no way I can become True BoyFriend and GirlFriend with Amy if she is trapped in dentetion, by having sex," said Sonic. Sonic was so upset now. Then the announcement speaker came on again.

"Attention teenagers, Sonic please come to the office," said the speaker.

"Uhoh, looks like you're in trouble too!" said Vector. Vector was always making people mad. He was definitely an asshole to be around. Sonic got embarrassed like when Ms. Lesson read about his balls problems, and he ran out of the lunch room and through the halls with his head down not looking or talking to anyone, and went to the office.

"Hello?" said Sonic to the office. "What do you want?"

"Here, this is for you," said the school worker, who had long hair and a star tattoo with an outline on her face. "Rouge left it for you before going into detention." Sonic went over to the desk she was at and looking at and pointing to, and found what she was talking about, which was Knuckles and Knuckles Jr with a note attached to them that said, "Please take care of us while Rouge and Espio are not around." Sonic was so surprised. He had never taken care of a baby before, forget two, especially when one of them was his friend after becoming a baby.

"Thanks for coming so quickly," said Knuckles Jr. "I was getting hungry." Knuckles Jr was red.

Sonic picked up Knuckles and Knuckles Jr and put them in his backpack and went to the rest of his classes and then went home. Sonic got home and opened his backpack and took Knuckles and Knuckles Jr out and put them on his bed.

"Welcome to my room," said Sonic. "Don't check out the pornos on my desk if you don't wanna see them," said Sonic. "You are both only babies." Knuckles and Knuckles Jr laughed and ate food that Sonic brought up for them after they laughed.

"Hey Sonic," said Knuckles. "You gotta help me out with my homework. It is very hard to write as a baby." So then Sonic helped Knuckles learn to write and he finished doing his homework as a baby. Knuckles probably did a lot of things wrong but Sonic did not care, because homework was boring. Then Sonic went to mow the lawn which made his balls itch extra, and then he went back upstairs, but stopped on the stairs to put some soothing poultices on his balls.

"So what do you guys do for fun?" said Sonic to Knuckles and Knuckles Jr.

"Well," said Knuckles. "Can we tell you and you promise you will not tell anyone?"

"Don't worry," said Knuckles Jr to Knuckles. "I can tell he will not tell anyone."

"Okay then," said Knuckles to Sonic. "When we are alone and not being held by Rouge, we like to practice kissing on each other. It is technically okay because I am Knuckles Jr's dad and a dad is allowed to kiss his baby."

"Cool," said Sonic. "Show me." So Knuckles and Knuckles Jr got very up close to each other and kissed each other in a really good way. It was okay because they are father and son and also both brothers and that is allowed everywhere, and it is not illegal, even if they are both babies now. The two of them kissing looked like two big not sexual caterpillars pushing themselves together. It was not a sexual kiss, but it was a big, gold medal kiss anyway.

"Wow, I can tell you are both going to be romance experts when you grow up," said Sonic. "I would ask you for tips but it would probably then be against the law." Sonic asked them to kiss one more time, and they did, but Sonic videotaped it this time so that he would know how to kiss Amy even better next time they kissed, which would be when she gets out of dentetion. Then they all had a root beer and talked about which girls are the hottest.

"Which girl do you think is the hottest?" said Sonic to Knuckles and Knuckles Jr. "I know my answer, it is Amy!" Amy was Sonic's GirlFriend, so this was very good of him to say. It proves that he should be able to have sex with her.

"No way!" said Knuckles. Just then Sonic wanted to slug that little fag bitch in the mouth for saying ugly about his GirlFriend, but didn't. "The hottest girl is Rouge." None of them could not say that Rouge was not attractive because she had the absolute biggest boobs in the tri-state area.

"My opinion is different," said Knuckles Jr. "I think the hottest girl is Charmy!" They all laughed so hard because Charmy was so much like a girl, except not hot. Everyone knew that laughing was good for them even if Charmy was kidnapped or dead, and that it made them feel healthy. Knuckles Jr was definitely the coolest baby because everyone could get along with him and he could do jokes, also. Then they all got out of their clothes and into bedtime clothes and went to sleep.

Sonic was sleeping just fine and normally until there was a whisper at the edge of his face.

"Sonic. Sonic. Sonic," said the whisper. "Sonic. Sonic. Sonic." Sonic opened his eyes and saw the person whispering to him, and who he saw was right there, which was Knuckles Jr.

"What is it, Knuckles Jr?" said Sonic to Knuckles Jr. "I was sleeping until you whispered my name to me."

"I had a vision," said Knuckles Jr. "I know who the real killer man is, and I know where Charmy is."

Sonic High School by DarkDoomFireMasterWhere stories live. Discover now