Chapter 17: Breaking In

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"Ass! This window will not open, not even a little," said Sonic, as he tried pushing the window of the house where Charmy Bee was in Knuckles Jr's vision. Sonic even put his back up against the wall and tried using the top of his head and hands to push up on it, but it would just not move because it was just such a big and heavy closed window.

"It looks like you are having a hard time," said Knuckles Jr. "Weak pussy!" Knuckles Jr laughed because he was kidding, but Sonic did not think it was that funny and gave him a look that was like he just took the pickles off Sonic's hamburger that he pacifically asked for pickles on. In addition, Sonic really liked pickles.

"We need help, but I do not want to bring someone else into this problem," said Sonic to Knuckles Jr, thinking. Sonic thought about, "Who is strong?" He thought of some people, like Knuckles, but then remembered that he is now a baby and hence thus not a strong guy, and Tails, who was not strong but probably had some strong robots, and Espio, who was probably about the same in strongness as Sonic but Sonic did not want to ask him for help because that would be like saying, "You are stronger than me," and Sonic did not want to say that to Espio. He also thought of Big the Cat who was in some retard classes at school, but he did not want to talk to him because it was always weird. There was only one person that Sonic could think of. "Come with me, Knuckles Jr," said Sonic to Knuckles Jr.

It was the middle of the night and Sonic and Knuckles Jr went up to the door of a different house. "Ding-dong," said the doorbell when Sonic pressed it.

"Press it again," said Knuckles Jr.

"Ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong ding-doing," said the doorbell again and again as Sonic pressed it. Sonic saw the lights flashing on and off inside the house every time he pressed it and laughed because it was so annoying and the person inside the house was probably just trying to sleep, but Sonic needed help, so too bad. Finally the door opened and there was the lunch lady from High School, who was deaf.

"What is it, children?" said the lunch lady. Since she was deaf, when she talked, it sounded weird and kind of like Big the Cat, where you think she is retarded but she actually is not, and it just because she is deaf so everything she says sounds totally wrong. It sounded more like "Wad id id, chodran?" than normal language. Big the Cat was actually retarded though so it was different.

"We need your help. It is very important," said Sonic and made a face like a beggar idiot to get her to say yes.

"Okay, I will help you," said the lunch lady. Sonic and Knuckles Jr were so excited that they hi-fived right there because this was just what they needed to do what they wanted to do.

Sonic and Knuckles Jr and the lunch lady went back to the house where Charmy was and went to the window that Sonic could not open.

"Please open this window," said Sonic to the lunch lady. The lunch lady walked over to the window and with just her pinky finger she opened the window like she was a walking elephant picking up a piece of string because it was so easy.

"Wow, thank you!" said Sonic and Knuckles Jr at the same time in the middle of the night.

"No, that is not how you thank me," said the lunch lady. When the lunch lady lived in Bangladesh as a young woman she learned about the ancient tradition of Sex Thanking and she explained it all to Sonic.

"So you want me to give you sex with my mouth?" said Sonic to the lunch lady.

"Yes, because it is ancient tradition. It is not slutty," said the lunch lady, who was also really tall.

"Amy will forgive me for this," thought Sonic underneath his hair, in his brain. "She would know that I am doing this for a good reason, and we have not even done sex yet, so she cannot be mad at me, and even if she is, I would let her give sex to the lunch lady too and I would not get mad, but then we would be even." Sonic winked and gave her a thumb's up and then the lunch lady pulled her dress down and sat down on a tree stump and opened her legs.

Sonic looked at the lunch lady's vagina, and it looked like a sideways piece of lasagna in between two dogs walking down and away from it. Sonic thought her vagina was really attractive for a middle age lady and put his head closer to it. Sonic had never done mouth sex before but he had read about it online and maybe looked at some pictures or videos really quick but then closed them before he would get in trouble with Mom. Sonic tried to think about the videos to know what to do but it turned out Sonic was quite the sex man it all came naturally to him anyways.

Sonic opened his mouth and chewed on the lunch lady's vagina really hard like Pac-Man running into the bottom of one of the ghosts nonstop. She was totally quiet while he did this, but she was beating on the ground and making huge holes like meteors and even hit a tree nearby and it broke in half because she was so in love with Sonic's abilities. Sonic nibbled on her outer vagina and it tasted like a birthday cake. His penis even popped up during this like a meerkat looking out for its family on Meerkat Manor. He kept on going closer into her vagina and making sure to get every part of it on the way down like a window washer in New York City washing windows but instead it was her vagina, so it was sexy. Sonic also kissed and sucked on her vagina like he was trying to appreciate the secret sauce in the lunch lady's roast beef sandwich without opening the sandwich. Sonic even used his tongue and scooped eggs out of her vagian that were made during the female reproduction process. He kept going further into her vagina until he was able to fit his entire head in.

It was really dark inside her vagina because there weren't any lights, but it was clearly where the sexiest parts of her were. It was spaceious like an empty factory from all the previous Sex Thanking people had done to her. Sonic was able to get them (sex spots) all using his mouth and nose and forehead, pleasing her and making her fall in love with him. He was rolling his head around in her vagina like he was doing a hula hoop on his neck. She was so impressed that Sonic thought she would email everyone in Bangladesh to tell them how good Sonic was at Sex Thanking later. Sonic decided it was time to finish doing this and shouted "YeeeeAAAHHHH!" inside her vagina to make vibrations bounce off the walls of her vagina and hitting all of her sex spots at once. The lunch lady was so excited that she pulled the tree stump that she was sitting on out of the ground. She could do this because she was very strong and experienced with carrying trees.

Sonic took his head out of her vagina and brushed the vagina crumbs off his face and combed his hair. "You're welcome!" laughed Sonic smoothly to the lunch lady, and looked and Knuckles Jr who was watching with big eyes but did not say anything. The lunch lady put her clothes on and shook his hand and said that the people of Bangladesh would be very impressed with him, and that if he ever wanted to visit there, just to tell her, and she could buy plane tickets for him and all his friends. The lunch lady was really nice even if she had weird ideas that she got from being in Asia when she was little. She went back home to go to sleep.

Sonic and Knuckles Jr then went inside the open window. "He is in there, I know it," said Knuckles Jr, who was pointing at a closet in the room that they were in, which was now inside the house and it was a bedroom inside. Sonic and Knuckles tip toed over to the closet and opened it up, and what the saw was surprising and shocking and scary. It was Charmy Bee's body, all dead and bloody and rotting and cut up into pieces.

"Wow, he is completely dead," said Sonic, who was so shocked that he could not think about anything else. It was true, this time it was really Charmy and he was dead.

"Oh my god! I am seeing so many shocking things for the first time today," said Knuckles Jr. Sonic went down and picked up a piece of his body and saw bite marks in it. Sonic was about to say something and then all of the sudden this happened.

"What are you doing, idiots?" shouted Vector. "How did you get in here?"

"That window, bitch dick!" said Sonic as he felt a sudden rage build up inside him like the foam from cream soda going over the top of the glass when someone pours it like an idiot ass. "What is wrong with you? Why did you do this? Why are you the murderer!"

"Haha! Let me show you how!" said Vector as he ran at Sonic and Knuckles Jr chomping his teeth in the style of an alligator.

Sonic High School by DarkDoomFireMasterWhere stories live. Discover now