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(The first chapter is literally so bad it's painful- but the other chapters are okay)

Tomioka Pov
Another sleepless night, the sun was coming up now. It's so bright and my eyes are hurting. I get up and decide to walk around my estate. I notice how bland and empty it is.
'My estate is so empty, I bet Kanrojis estate is well decorated'
'I should eat'
'But I don't really want to'
'It's fine, I will be fine.'
I sighed and decided to lay on my bed for some time.
I alway had a hard time sleeping, but Tsutako always helped me sleep and very time I fell asleep.
' Wish you where here'

3rd Person Pov
Tomioka turned on his side and huddled into a small little ball.
That was what he felt like, a small, little, helpless, FREAK.
As Tomioka was hugging himself he thought about Tsutako and Sabito, oh how he missed them so much.

Authors Note
In this story I think that Kanroji wants to be friends with Tomioka so she talks to him alot. But Tomioka trys to stay his distance, but obviously cant cause Kanroji is the best <3

Kanroji Pov
I wonder if Tomioka is doing well, he doesnt talk much but i like that about him, its kinda refreshing. I smile when I think of Tomioka (platonic) he's- well hopefully soon to be one  of my best of the best friends!

Im smiling a lot more now, not that I didnt smile much before! But Obanai had said he had a surprise for me! Im so curious to what it is, maybe i should come to Tomiokas estate. Then we can talk and i can get him to tell me about him, but of course I wont pry. I bet Tomioka would smile a lot if he had friends.

"KYAAAA TOMIOKA SMILING! SO CUTE!!" I accidentally yelled while cupping my hands in my face.

'Sorry! Sorry!' I said in a semi-yell
Maybe I will visit Tomioka today, or tomorrow he seems busy, and I dont want to annoy him.
Then all of the sudden Urara ( Mitsuris crow) came  to me landing on my head.

Oh how perfect! Now I have a chance to talk with Tomioka! I can ask him to get food later!

3rd Person Pov
Kanroji ended up spending 3 minutes just thinking about sakura mochi, till her crow reminded her about the hashira meeting.
Tomioka on the other hand, he got ready immediately after his crow came by, secretly Tomioka does really love Kanrojis company.
But he's scared, scared to hurt her. Just like Sabito and Tsutako.

Tomioka Pov
As I was walking to the mansion I saw Kanroji, she was happily humming while walking to the mansion too.
'She looks so happy, im glad.' I smiled a bit not enough to be seen from far away, but it's still a smile.
'I should go over to Kanroji she's been really nice lately, so I should thank her. Just thank her not get close with her, I keep killing people I love, and Obanai kinda scares me. I get death glares from him every now and then'
I look back at Kanroji, still thinking whether to talk her or not. But it seems that doesn't get to be my choice as I see Kanroji approaching me.
'Okay I guess we're talking then'

Kanroji Pov
'Mmm Sakura mochi- huh? Is that Tomioka-'
I squint my eyes a bit and- yup! Thats most definitely Tomioka he seems to be a bit lost in thought cause he doesn't even notice me walking over. Which is unusual since he is a hashira, but he probably was just tired. He does not seem the type to sleep. I chuckled a bit at that thought.
"Tomioka! Hey- hi!"  "Oh hey Kanroji"  "Do you want to walk together Tomioka?"  "Oh uhm sure" Yay! Tomioka agreed. I smiled brightly, Tomioka looked at me with his usal monotone expression but im like- pretty sure he's happy.
At The Mansion
Tomioka and Kanroji had just arrived, Tomioka almost immediately darting off to get away from the hashira. Kanroji seemed a bit sad at how quick Tomioka left, since they only got to talk for a bit.

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