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Then another memory came up, confession day

Sanemi Pov
I was still freaking out about being in the same bed with Giyuu, so the fact that today I was gonna confess was not helping at all! Giyuu had his back facing me, his hair was left untied.

I felt heat rise to my face, I quickly got out of the bed and into the kitchen. I closed the bedroom door and made my way to the kitchen.

Kanroji had suggested I tell Giyuu to go to the cherry blossom tree, at 5pm. Then I would surprise him, but I don't really enjoy that idea.

"Cherry blossoms? Is that even a real tree?" I mumbled out, scoffing.

At this point I was making excuses to not confess, I looked back towards the bedroom door. I smiled softly at the thought of a happy, smiling Giyuu.

He smiles at me ever so often, and even though it's barely noticeable, he did it for me, even if it's fake. But I always get the feeling, his smiles are genuine.

I had a small urge to go back in the bed with Giyuu?

I can't just go in the bed with him! I barely got any sleep last night! But...Giyuu...whatever I'll just go to make sure he doesn't get nightmares.

I lied, my excuses are horrible, but, I was making my way to the bedroom. I opened the door and saw Giyuu already up.

'Crap...well guess I was to late then' I was actually relieved Giyuu was up.

"Oh hey Giyuu, didn't expect you to be up already" Giyuu looked up at me, he had his normal expressionless face, but this time it wasn't was rather...nevermind...

"I woke up randomly" Seeing Giyuu back to his normal self made me more relieved than it should have. But, I was glad he's back, I don't know how to comfort crying people, so they always assumed I didn't care.

"Randomly? How do you just randomly wake up?" I say jokingly, trying to lighten my thoughts. I didn't like remembering or even knowing how people thought of me, so I always pretend to not care, which in all honesty doesn't make much sense.

I saw Giyuu only shrug, before getting up. His long messy black hair let loose, his dark blue eyes roaming the area, the area I was in. "Eh...heh...well you hunrgy?" I nervously say, scratching the back of my neck.

——————————-—-• • •—————————
Time skip to 3:15 pm
Sanemi Pov
What the hell!? It's already three!? How did time go by so fast! I haven't even told Giyuu where to go at 5!

I was a nervous sweaty mess!

I quickly ran to go take a quick shower, preparing for the next 2 hours.

Giyuu Pov
Sanemi has been a lot more nervous today...I don't know it me? Am I to weird and he's not saying anything? Should I check on him?

I decided I was gonna see if Sanemis okay, I opened my bedroom door and saw Sanemi coming out of his room, and into the bathroom.

Oh, then I guess I'll just wait after he's done then.

I looked to his room and saw he left his bedroom door open. Without a thought I went over to close the door, when I saw flowers in his room, they were badly hidden under some things.

I felt my legs go weak.

No...why am I surprised...of course he likes someone else! What was I thinking!? Did I really think he'd ever like me back..? Yea...I did...I wish I didn't.

My legs felt weaker the longer I stood there, staring at the flowers. I don't why I was so sad...I did expect this...

I ran off into my room, jumping onto my bed, I couldn't help but silently sob into my pillow.

Sanemi was the one person who made me feel normal...or as normal as I could ever be.

Wiping the tears off my face, I internally screamed at myself, I was stupid. Desperate to stop the tears I grabbed a hidden razor I had, I pulled my sleeves up, and...all my old cuts where healed?

Oh...right, Sanemi didn't know about my cuts, and yet he was still somehow able to help me, by just being there. Just thinking of Sanemi made me cry more. I looked at the razor in my hand, then the newly made cuts on my wrist.

I didn't even realize I was already cutting my wrists, is this how much I rely on Sanemi?

The warm blood driped off my wrists and headed to the floor.

Crap! The blood could stain the floor!

I desperately looked around for a towel or anything, but before I could get one my bedroom door bursted open.


Tomioka Giyuu {Sanegiyuu}Where stories live. Discover now