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After The Meeting
"Tomioka! Tomioka!" Kanroji yelled trying to catch up with Tomioka. Eventually she caught up Tomioka, they where walking together for awhile. "OH! Tomioka do you want to get food sometime?" "Oh, sure...sometime" "okay! I'll see you sometime soon Tomioka" Kanroji said while waving bye to Tomioka. "Bye..." Tomioka said, barely audible.

Tomioka Pov
I felt bad, I never planned on actually going with Kanroji for food. She's nice so im glad she has Obanai and Kocho, other than Kanroji I only talk to Kocho during hashira meetings.

When I finally reached my estate I immediately went to my restroom and locked the door. I couldn't think properly, I slid down the door and sat on the cold tiled floor. I brought my knees up to my chest and buried my face into my knees. I suppose I stayed like that for awhile, I got up and grabbed a sharp razor a very sharp razor.

I pulled my sleeve up and put the razor on my bare skin, gliding it all over the old and new cuts. There were probably about 30 or more fresh slices in my skin, I knew I had to stop doing this. But it is so impossible, all my burden's all my thoughts.

It all disappears, as if it doesn't exist. But that's only a temporary fix it doesn't last long after I stop.

I signed after putting the razor back, of course I have to clean up the blood. I got up and grabbed some bandages and a small tinted red towel. Cleaning up the small bloody mess I made.

After I got everything cleaned up I plopped down on my bed and just stared at the ceiling. I didn't know what to do I was helpless, I am helpless I couldn't save anyone not Tsutako not Sabito I couldn't even save Tanjiros family from demons and thats my job!

I guess I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice how heavy my eyelids where getting. I was drifting off to sleep.

Kocho Pov
Tomioka and Kanroji have been talking for some time now. Ara ara~ I never imagined Tomioka actually having friends, since he is so disliked. Although as much as I love teasing Tomioka I do worry about him sometimes, especially ever since I found out about his problems...

Tomioka Pov
I heard knocking on my door, I couldn't open it my arms where to weak. There was atleast 50 slices on my arms I can't move. The knocking only got louder and louder till I heard the door bust open, then screaming.

"TOMI- OKA- TOM- KA" they where definitely saying my name but I didn't know who it was. What where they even doing here? I felt their hand grab my wrist and I think check for a pulse? I didn't get much time to think about anything at that moment as I lost consciousness.

Kocho Pov
I should check on Tomioka some time, I don't know how to help someone who doesn't seem to want help. I can't help I've tried many times but it doesn't ever seem to work. Kanroji might be able to help but, if she knew what Tomioka does she wouldn't stop crying.

Gyomei, maybe but I don't know how to get Tomioka to open up.

Shinazugawa Pov
I saw kocho by her estate sitting on a bench, she looked zoned out a rare sight for sure. I walked over towards her, she seemed troubled?
(  Fun fact Sanemi actually asks Shinobu if shes okay, because of Kanaes death)

"Huh? Oh Shinazugawa! How nice to see you here" Kocho said with her usal fake cheery smile.
"Is something wrong? You seem...distracted"
"Ara ara~ Shinazugawa, worried for me?"
"Don't push it."

Kocho Pov
"Don't push it." Shinazugawa sounded stern but worried.
Maybe, maybe Shinazugawa could help Tomioka well, if he didn't hate him.
"Why do you hate Tomioka so much? You know he's just lonely~"
"Tch why are you talking about him now. Hes just the stupid water pillar who thinks he's better than us."

Ara ara~ so thats why Shinazugawa hates him, but Tomioka never said or acts like he's better than us?
"When did Tomioka ever say he's better than us?"

"Isn't it obvious! He always distances himself as if we're to weak to interact with. Tch I bet he's the weakest hashira" Shinazugawa was mumbling some other things that I couldn't hear.

"You know Shinazugawa, Tomioka doesn't think he's better than us. He just has his own problems- problems he doesn't know how to deal with." I got up and looked at Shinazugawa.
"You should talk to Tomioka, you could help him alot you know?" I smiled at Shinazugawa as I walked away, hoping he'll talk to Tomioka.

Shinazugawa Pov
What the hell did Kocho want! Me?! To talk to that loner self-obsessed loser, tch. I just scoffed and walked off, when I arrived at my estate I just sat down and laid my head on my table. I don't know why but I couldn't stop thinking about what Kocho said.

"You could help Tomioka alot you know?" Those words kept replaying in my brain over and over again. Problems? What problems could Tomioka have, probably nothing serious...why do I even care!

I got up and laid on my bed, slowly falling asleep, slowly.

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