Chapter 1

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There was a part of you that never thought such a thing would be possible. 

Barry Allen was not a villain. 

Far from it. 

He'd save so many people. So when this villain showed up, none of you thought this would be the result. The enemy you'd been facing for the last couple weeks was..


His face was scarred, but it was him.

Your chest felt tight and the realization of what was to come hurt.

Savitar was going to kill Iris. Barry was going to lose the love of his life to a version of himself.

The tragedy of it all is that you weren't like the rest of them. You weren't a speedster. You weren't any kind of meta for that fact.

The team was regrouping, because the day was here. The day Iris should have been destined to die.

You sat with her that evening as Barry and the others ran back and forth trying to figure out what to do.

"It's a bit crazy isn't it. I should be scared, terrified. But I'm more worried about Barry." You smiled at the statement.

"Occupational hazard." You joke.

Your knees were bouncing, and Iris could clearly see your unease.

"(Y/N), are you alright."

You stopped the action, looking at her.

"I could be imagining things but you've been acting strange since we found out about Savitar. If there's something you need to talk about you can tell me."

Her words were good to hear, but you couldn't bring yourself to say what you've been keeping to yourself since you became a member of Team Flash.

"I'm scared." 

It wasn't the whole truth, but it wasn't a lie either.

"We'll figure it out. We always do."

That's what she said.

For a moment you really did convince yourself that she was right. That magically everything would just work out. But faith was cruel. Because you all stood as Savitar held Iris in his hands, ready to strike.

His voice was like a tremor that just rocked your body with pain.

"You will feel the pain I endured losing my love, losing everything."

Barry's face held nothing but unfiltered despair, and you screamed out for Savitar to freeze, you were at the side, gun drawn. It seemed to egg him on.

"Do you think bullets will stop me?"

He sounds amused. Your hands were shaking, and Iris's breath was unsteady.

"You say that we don't understand how you felt. That it's impossible for us to know what it's like to feel so much for someone and never have them. But I do..I know.."

Savitar didn't move, and you could see Joe on the roof, ready to fire if needed. No one was moving. Barry's eyes moved to your form.

"I remember when we first met. I remember when I ran into you on that train and you spent the first five minutes apologizing. I barely heard a word because you were talking so fast. I should have been furious, you'd spilled my coffee all over the new suit I bought for an interview."

The memory feels as though it's clear as day.

"All I could do was smile at you and try to reassure you that it was okay. That everything was okay."

Maybe he's actually listening to the words you're saying, because his hand seems to lower.

"I know you're a major nerd, and you would spend your afternoons watching every episode of Dr. Who if it were possible." You move closer, lowering the gun in your hand.

"You once stayed up with me until two in the morning to help me study for my finals. Even though you were exhausted from taking tests all afternoon to pass your own exams. You sacrificed your sleep to help me."

The gun drops from your hand, and when you're right next to Iris, you hesitantly reach for his hand. Iris moves to the side when you take his hand, and Barry is at her side in an instant, standing in front of her protectively. She dives into his arms, and when you know she's safe, you turn back to Savitar. His suit is still glowing that dangerous blue. You should be petrified, but you haven't released your hold on his hand.

"You would never hurt the people you care about, no matter how much you endured. I know you suffered a lot, but you need to realize that there is someone who still cares. Because regardless of what you've done. You're still the nerdy guy I know. The guy that I..that I've always been in love with." You confess.

The statement catches everyone off guard.

You're shocked when Savitar takes a step back. Instinctively, you try to reach out for his hand, a desperate attempt to hold him.

Save him.

But he's gone in the blink of an eye. 

All you feel is that pain that appeared when he first showed up.

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