Chapter 7

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The visit to Washington was exactly what you needed.

You're all packing up to leave. You give your goodbyes, hugging and laughing with your friends.

"It was nice seeing you again." Hotch says. 

Your cheeks are once again the shade of cherries. You nod.

"Y-You too Aaron."

Is it possible that he's consciously emitting so many pheromones? 

Savitar's lips form a straight line but he says nothing. He just waits for you to get done.

Garcia moves to his side.

"You know you'd be a lot cuter if you smiled more often. You're handsome, you should let people see that rather than this stone cold barricade."

He means to tell her he doesn't need the baseless flattery, but her eyes only show sincerity.

"It's not my place to ask what you've been through. But I can see you care about her. She cares about you too. I don't need to be a profiler to see that. Stop trying to keep her at a distance because if you're not careful someone else is going to see how special she is and take her."

Garcia gestures to Hotch and Savitar observes. 

As much as he would like to deny it, she's right. You are special. 

Would he be able to handle it if someone were to indeed take you?

At the back of his mind, he knew it would not sit well.

"I'm not someone she should be involved with."

"Why because you're a bad boy? I don't buy it. Your eyes tell a different story." 

Garcia walks over to you before he can get a word in to rebuttal that.

It takes maybe twenty minutes and you're both back on the road.

"We're going to stop at a gas station. I'm low on fuel."

"You do realize I can just run us there."

"Thank you (Y/N). You're so considerate worrying about me and my powers. I can't imagine something more charming." You mimic his voice. 

"I would never say that." He speaks flatly.

You pull into the gas station, parking the car as you get out and pump gas. You step out of the car. You're sending silly faces to Savitar who is doing his best to ignore you. You're about to go around but you run into someone. You grunt, feeling a bit ridiculous.

"I-I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention."

"It's fine." 

The deep voice causes you to look up.

You blush at the sight of this man. He's at least six feet tall. Green eyes, dirty blond hair.

Your car door opens and you barely acknowledge it, because you're taken with this handsome guy.

"You're huge.."

It leaves your lips before you can stop it and you feel embarrassed.

"I didn't mean to offend you, I'm sorry!"

He just smirks.

"It's alright. I get that a lot."

Savitar walks up behind you.

"Do we have a problem?"

The stranger's eyes turn to Savitar.

"No problem, your girl was just apologizing. But it's not needed. No harm done."

"Oh we're not together. I'm single! Perfectly and completely single." 

You flash a smile, one the man returns. He extends his hand.

"Reacher, Jack Reacher."

"Reacher? I can't say I've heard that name before. It's nice to meet you." You shake his hand.

Even his hand is big. 

This guy is a different breed.

"If there is anything I can do? Maybe pay for your gas."

"That's not needed. You can run into me anytime."

You might just faint. 

Savitar is anything but pleased.

"I should get going." He pulls his hand away slowly, and you nod.

"Of course, have a safe trip."

"You too." 

He moves to his car, getting in and driving off, not before sending a small wave. When he's gone, Savitar turns to you.

"I didn't realize you were such a flirt."

"W-What! I'm not a flirt. I ran into the guy. I was just being polite."

"Mhmm. I'm starting to detect a pattern. You have a thing for bad boy alphas. First that agent now this Reacher guy. I need to be careful around you."

"Oh shut it! I'm getting gas!"

Your face clearly displays your bashfulness as you walk off. Savitar holds in a grin. 

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