Chapter 12 - Final

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The night had ended in a way you didn't expect. At least not when you'd woken the following morning. As you begin to wake, your mind can't help but wander back to all his tender touches.

Those words.

"I want you, I want this. Please, tell me you want this too.."

"I want this..p-please Savitar, I want this!"

You were practically begging him to take you.

Shuffling at your side is what catches your attention.

There's a light touch against your cheeks and your eyes open slowly.

Savitar is lying right next to you. The look in his eyes is so soft. Yet there's a flicker of pain that cannot be hidden. You pull your covers closer to your chest. Maybe it's defensive. You still can't believe that this is truly reality. You have managed not only to change a bit of his ideals, but there's actual love in his eyes when he looks at you. Not that somber expression of pain and loss. You reach out for him, but he pulls away.

"I get if last night was a mistake." He states.

Your expression is one of confusion. His back is facing you and he's only wearing his pants, but no shirt. His head is lowered.

He's doing it again.

Trying to create distance.

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you being serious right now!"

He still refuses to look your way.

"So that's it then, you're just going to run off."

He finally turns, obviously enraged at the accusation.

"I told you I love you and I meant it. I love you okay!! Do you think that was easy to admit? I've been driving myself crazy wondering if I'm the monster. If maybe this is all just a way for me to find some kind of solace because you're a version of Barry."

You hate that you feel as though you'll start crying.

"W-When I look at you I don't see Barry and it scares me how much I feel for you even though you aren't really him. It's frustrating. Terrifying how much I care about you. Do you think this is easy for me?"

The last thing you wanted was to be confessing all of this.

Savitar shakes his head, regret on his face.

Doubt in his eyes.

"I don't know if I can go back to being that..a hero. I want to do it for you but I.."

You slide out of the bed, hugging him.

"That's okay. As long as you show me that you care, that my feelings aren't one sided then it doesn't matter. I want you to be okay. I want us to be okay. No villains or heroes or world changing events. Let's just be us."

He holds on, because that's what he wants.

What he craves.

"Is it really okay..for me to love you.."

There's still so much uncertainty in his eyes. You smile, nodding happily.

"Love me as much as you want, I can handle it. I promise."

That seems like exactly what he needs to hear.

You guide him back to the bed, and you hold his hand as you both lay there.

His eyes run over your form. You're still pretty much naked under the covers.

"You're beautiful (Y/N)."

You smile.

"Not too bad yourself."

He actually smiles.

Life may not have worked out in a way you ever expected, but in no way are you complaining. If you could change the perspective of someone as misguided as Savitar was, then there was hope after all. 

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