Chapter 6

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It's great that Garcia is able to spend time with you.

"I'm actually expecting more company." Garcia states.

"We are?" You raise a brow. She nods.

"Yep, and I think you'll like it."

There's not much more that is said, but Savitar's head turns when he hears a group of people laughing as they enter. A blond woman makes eye contact with you and your face lights up.

"JJ, Morgan, Reid!"

The excitement you show makes Savitar stare. You spring to your feet and begin giving hugs individually.

"Looking beautiful as always." Morgan compliments. Your cheeks flush as you hug him, and Savitar feels a bit annoyed.

"She never blushed like that when I complimented her in the past."

The thought rushes over before he can stop it and his frown deepens. An older man that looks like a lawyer is the last one you greet and Savitar observes the way you become slightly nervous. He didn't even need to be a profiler to spot the obvious. Because the color of your cheeks has gotten ten shades redder.

"H-Hi S-Sir I mean Chief uhh umm.."

"Just Aaron is fine, remember." Hotch smiles, holding out a hand for you that you shake. They all seem to be smiling in the background.

"So are you going to introduce us to your boyfriend?" JJ questions with a grin.

"He isn't my boyfriend!" You deny it way too fast. You chance a look at Hotch who is still wearing a little grin.

"A-Anyway this is Savi Allen. He's a friend of mine."

Savitar doesn't stand, just gives a nod. Everyone has already taken their seats, and Hotch moves to pull out your own for you. You accept with a nervous giggle, waiting for him to sit. He does, right next to you.

"Garcia really surprised me, I didn't think I would get to see all of you today. Where is Rossi?"

"He's in Paris visiting his Daughter, he says he's sorry he wasn't able to see you before you head back. "

"That's okay. He sends me pictures of his grandson every now and then. I have never seen a man gush that much in my life." They laugh along with you.

Savitar observes. Watching you so unapologetically happy brings a feeling of guilt. Because just recently he'd planned to take someone important away from your life. Had you lost Iris he's certain that you wouldn't be sitting here smiling the way you are now.

He didn't like this.

"I'm going for a walk."

Savitar's statement makes you turn your head. You reach for his hand before he rushes off. You slide your palm in his, and they all catch the action. Savitar straightens in his chair.

"My friend is a bit shy when it comes to meeting new people, please be patient with him."

JJ nods. " I promise we don't bite."

Reid tries to assess all he can. The shifting gazes, hard looks. They all know there's more to it than that, but they don't confront it. Because it's clear that you care for him.

You give Savitar a soft squeeze before you pull away.

"So Garcia, anyone new in your life?" Morgan laughs at the question.

"There's a rookie that's been giving her hell." JJ informs.

"He's nothing but a rookie!" Garcia retaliates.

You can't help but smile.

"You must really like him if you're getting this worked up."

She folds her hands like a child and you can see all the smiles around the table. You chance a look in Savitar's direction. He isn't smiling per se. But he's not frowning either.

Maybe you could change him after all. 

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