Chapter 10

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Rejoining the group inside, Nick sends you a brief look. You reply with a nod. The conversation seems a bit easier. You're updating Nick on what has occurred in the past few months. Well, some of it at least. You aren't sure he'll easily believe that there are superhuman people running around the city.

Diana is sitting with Renard, but her eyes are focused on Savitar who awkwardly avoids eye contact. It's kind of cute to watch.

"Sweetie, is something wrong?" Renard asks.

She shakes her head.

"I like him." Her smile is so big. Nick and Renard laugh. Rosalee smiles.

Savitar scratches his neck a bit bashfully.

"Thanks." He mutters.

"Can I sit with you?" She asks.

The entire room seems to watch him expectantly, and he sighs. It's obvious if he says no they'll look at him like a monster.


Savitar shuffles around to make space. Diana walks over, planting herself in his lap with a grin. When she hugs him, you giggle at the way his arms are awkwardly sticking out.

"Seems she found herself a boyfriend. At such a young age too." Renard jokes. Everyone begins to laugh and Savitar just gives up.

The rest of the day breezes by with ease. Diana is stuck to Savitar's side for most of it. When it's time to say goodbye, you can see his reluctance. Despite his earlier protest you know he's become a bit attached.

"Are you going to come visit again?"

Savitar doesn't reply immediately. He notices that you're occupied at the moment and he kneels, nodding.

"I hope so. It was nice meeting you. Thank you for today."

It's nice to be reminded he's still human. Looking at Diana makes him wonder what it would be like to have a family. Children. His gaze shifts to you, lingering.

"Are you going to tell her you like her?"

Savitar smiles.

"It's not that easy."

"That's what daddy says. But mommy loves Nick and I love daddy so we're all happy. Love seems really easy."

He wishes he could be this innocent. Diana isn't truly wrong. They said with age comes wisdom. But it seems the older people get, the less they are honest and open. There was a certain sincerity that came with being young and naive.

"I do want her to love me."

But he wants it to be your choice. Not an obligation because you pity him.

"Are you ready to go?" You walk over, and Savitar turns, nodding.

"Yes." He looks back at Diana, and she runs into his arms, hugging tightly. Savitar pats her back, holding for a few seconds before he pulls away.

"Goodbye Diana."

She pulls back.

"Goodbye Savitar."

You both stare at her a bit shocked, and she giggles, running off to Renard.

"D-Did you tell her your name?"

He shook his head.

"I didn't.."

Shocking to say the least. 

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