Chapter 4

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You're both so close, yet, still on different sides.

"I don't take orders."

You nod. It was naive to assume he would just follow. You move in again, and it looks like he's ready for a fight, but your hand moves to his neck and he almost holds his breath at how close you are. Your lips are merely inches apart.

"W-What are you-"

There's a click and he looks down in surprise. He's cuffed with power dampeners.

He looks pissed, rightfully so. Before he can make a move you draw your gun, aiming right at his stomach. You grin.

"Looks like you don't have much of a choice. You can come willingly or unwillingly. I can drop you in the pipeline or we could just see what the rest of Team Flash decides, it's your choice.

It's obvious that he doesn't like how easily he's been subdued. Sitting in a prison isn't exactly desirable.

"You really think the second I get these cuffs off I won't hurt you."

"I know you won't."

Maybe it's the lack of distance that is so unnerving.

"Something happened when you spared Iris. I can't put my finger on it, but something shifted. You're different." You search his eyes, and he wants to pull away. But your gaze feels like a weight that he can't remove.

"Nothing has changed. I'm still the same. I'm me. Not Barry Allen."

"I know that."

"Then stop looking at me like that." His tone is sharp.

"Like what? A friend that needs my help?"

"I'm not your friend."

"Then tell me..tell me how am I looking at you?"

His exhale is a bit shaky. Right about now he wishes he could use his speed to intimidate. It's agitating being in this position. You can read him well. It's like you can see through everything and he hates it.

"They'll never trust me, accept me. I'll always be the stain that tried to break The Flash. Do you truly believe they'll see past that."

"That implies that you actually want to change."

Savitar pulls his hand away at the implication and the gun drops from your hand. He pushes forward and you both tumble to the floor. His intention is to pin you down. But it backfires. You lock your legs around his hips, using your body to shift his weight. He grunts when his body smacks into the floor with you on top. You grab his cuffed hands, pinning them above his head.

Savitar's eyes are wide in shock.

"Stop resisting."

He expects anger, but your gaze holds sympathy.

"Please just..let me..please.."

Right now would be the perfect time for him to fight back. You're vulnerable. Your words before weren't completely wrong. You were in fact right something had changed. He could no longer see Barry's life. Well, his life in Barry's eyes. It was as if he'd been severed. Like they were no longer bound. He supposed it had something to do with the changing timeline. Iris hadn't died like it was made to happen. Everything was different. If he was no longer Barry Allen, then where were these feelings coming from?

Why did he feel so much pain looking at the way you were crying for his sake?

It was irrational.

He should resist.

He needs to resist.


Your hold loosens at his words.

"I'll try to change."

Your face couldn't have gotten brighter than it was right now, and for a moment, he convinced himself that this expression of pure joy was actually for him. 

Savitar (Flash) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now