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You've been gone for a while. 

Barry is used to getting your texts and emails about updates about your 'mutual' friend.

It's been about two months since you and Savitar have been on the road. Barry isn't worried per se. You know how to handle yourself. There's also a contingency plan should Savitar try anything. Harry was adamant on using the very same nanobots in your body to protect you from speedsters. Safe to say they have taken every precaution.

That's why he expects your usual email or text around this time. Everyone is just lounging around the cortex. Iris had stopped by to have lunch. Cisco was bickering with Harry as per usual. HR was off with Tracy as she built her empire. Caitlin was just watching her friends as she typed away on her computer.

When the familiar ding echoed, Barry smiled.

"Hey, (Y/N)'s email is here!"

They were flocked around the computer in seconds.

When he opened the email, the link to the video wasn't what he was expecting. He scanned it, and the image of you smiling made him weary.

He clicked the video, anxiously anticipating what it was about.

"Hey Barry, and everyone else. I'm pretty sure you're all flocked around the computer right now."

"Damn, are we really that predictable?" Cisco mumbled. Harry just rolled his eyes.

"I know this might be sudden, but I've had a lot of time to think. I've decided that I'm going to go to Washington and help Savitar start over."

To say the statement was a shock would have been an understatement. Iris caught the loose sparks that bounced off Barry's hand for a second. Yet, he didn't move.

"I've realized that I..I really care about him and I want to protect him with all I have. I know he can become better. I want to be there when he becomes someone he can smile at in the mirror. Savitar is kind, grumpy and really just scared. He's terrified to end up alone. A fear that all of us have faced before."

Iris takes Barry's hand, giving a squeeze.

"I..I think I might actually be in love with him."

You play with your hair bashfully.

"It's crazy saying it out loud."

You're blushing on the screen, and Barry actually laughs, despite the clear sorrow that is displayed on his face.

"I wish I was brave enough to tell you all in person. I don't want you all to worry about me. If you ever need me, just call. I'll be there. Of course I'll come back to visit. For now, my top priority is to protect Savitar. I hope you all understand. "

You wipe away your tears on the screen, still sporting a smile.

Your head turns, and they all catch the blush as you look over.

"S-Savitar! H-How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough. So you're in love with me huh?"

"I-I said think."

They haven't seen him appear on the screen yet, but Barry is surprised at how light Savitar's tone sounds. He finally appears at your side, and he looks at the camera.

"I promise I'll keep her safe."

Barry isn't the only one shocked at the statement, or the fondness and sincerity in his gaze. You're still looking at Savitar like he's the most precious jewel in the world and it's at that moment that Barry understands.

Savitar turns back to you and the color of your cheeks seem to be getting brighter.

"W-Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I don't know what you mean (Y/N)."

He tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear and you stammer.

"W-When did you become so smooth!" You protest.

The others are watching the interaction and laughing.

Savitar smirks.

"Y-You know exactly what you're doing!"

Savitar is still smiling and when he pulls you in for a kiss, you squeak. Your hands fumbles and he smiles into the kiss. You pull back, clearly embarrassed.

"S-Savitar the camera is still rolling.."

You're saying that, but when he leaves a kiss on your cheek and then your neck, you don't exactly stop him. He glances at the screen, shutting it off and Barry and the others just stare.

"Well...it looks like her strategy is working." Cisco says awkwardly.

He supposes in some ways, Savitar will always be a little devious. 

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