Chapter 11

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The drive back to Central City is fairly quiet. Savitar's eyes are trained outside the window. There feels like a heaviness in the air. Diana's words wouldn't leave your mind. You were certain Savitar was contemplating the same. It's impossible to pretend that you don't care about him. It's a natural response for you.

Not fully logical.

Something needs to be said.

"This trip wasn't just for me to try and convert you into a hero."

Savitar's gaze moves in your direction.

"Before you came I had been contemplating leaving Central City."

There's a look of interest in his eyes. More than anyone you were sure he could understand.

"Because of Barry."

"Because of a lot of things."

If you were being honest, you wanted a chance to explore.

Yourself, the world.

The constant near death experiences weren't exactly comforting.

"When you showed up it was like a wake up call. Even though I knew you were the enemy, the second I saw your face I wanted to protect you and scared me."

Your hands tighten on the steering wheel as you pull into the hotel. You take an even breath, parking the car. With a heavy sigh, you turn to him to explain yourself, but Savitar removes his seatbelt. You nearly hold your breath when he takes your hand. He doesn't fully move, and you can't get yourself to pull away.


His movements are hesitant. When he starts getting close, your heart follows the unsteady rhythm of your breathing. You squeeze his hand and he closes the distance.

It's all so warm, sweet.

He tastes sweet.

He shouldn't taste this good.


You swear that's what his lips taste like.

Your hand moves to your own seatbelt and you unlock it, pulling away from him. Savitar is surprised, and you press your hand to your lips. There's a mix of shock and fear reflected back at him. It takes a moment for you to find the strength to speak. When you do there's a sense of panic in your words.

"W-We can't!"

You practically jump out the car. You grab your duffle bag from the backseat. Savitar follows along. You're walking pretty fast and he says nothing as he trails behind. As you make it into the hotel, you're quiet. Tapping your feet anxiously as you give your information and wait for your room keys. The receptionist hands it over with a smile.

"Enjoy your stay!"

You nod, heading to your room. Your room is on the third floor and you pass Savitar his key, not making eye contact. The second those doors open, you basically sprint to your room.

"We'll be leaving early tomorrow. Get some sleep."

It's the only words you exchange. You swipe your card, and the door opens. The second it closes, you walk in, dropping your bag at the side of your bed as you pace back and forth.

"It didn't mean anything. It doesn't mean anything."

You try to convince yourself, but even you don't truly believe those words. There's a knock on the door and you're almost afraid to get it.

You freeze in a place.


He calls from the other side of the door.

It's him, of course it's him. Who else would it be?

Your steps to the door are hesitant. You finally unlock the door.

It feels a bit impossible to meet his gaze right now.

"Do you need something?"

At least your voice is steady.

"I need you to look at me. "

You can't.

His hand slides down your cheek, tilting your chin up. You don't get a chance to say another word. He kisses you again and you feel as though you'll cry. You push against his chest, parting with a soft gasp.

Savitar steps forward and you back up, swallowing. He closes the door behind him.

"Look at me and tell me you don't love me."

You can't, that would be a blatant lie.

"Say it.."

His tone is so soft, it's almost like he's pleading. Your lips quiver. You're unable to utter those words because it would be a complete lie. You love Barry. Over the years that has changed drastically. But this isn't Barry. Not truly. This is a completely different person. Everything he does, everything he says is different. You never thought you'd feel this way for anyone. It shouldn't be this strong.

You're a mess.

"I love you.."

The tears finally start flowing, you can't stop them.

"Say it again."

He kisses your cheek, and you close your eyes.

"I love you."

A kiss to your neck.


"I love you, Savitar."

This time his lips find your own and you grip at his jacket. He backs you into the room, and your legs hit the bed. He pulls away momentarily to lower you onto the bed and you try no to make a sound. Not to let him see how much this is all affecting you.

He kicks off his shoes easily, his shirt following next. All you can do is stare. He joins you on the bed, and you close your eyes when he starts leaving kisses along your skin.

"I'm done pretending." 

When he looks back at you, it all makes sense.

You understand. 

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