Chapter 9

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"This is (Y/N). My cousin. (Y/N) these are my friends and coworkers. There's Hank, Wu, Rosalee, Monroe and Captain Renard."

You smile, giving them all a little greeting.

"You missed Adalind. Kelly decided to go to work with his mother today."

"That's fine. I still can't believe you have a son. It's so great."

There's a little girl on the couch smiling.

"This is Diana, my daughter." Renard states. You smile at the girl, and she walks over.

"Nice to meet you Ms. (Y/N)."

"Nice to meet you too. Oh my goodness you're so beautiful." 

Her smile gets brighter as she does a little twirl. Her eyes move to Savitar. He's been doing his best to go unnoticed. You realize it's a bit selfish to be dragging him around and putting him in these situations, but you really want him to open up. Even if it's just a little.

Diana walks over to Savitar. Her eyes are fixated on his scar and Renard raises his hand to gesture her back.

"Diana, it's impolite to stare."

Savitar looks down at her.

"Are you sad?" She asks.

He's not sure how to answer the question. Sad wasn't the word he would use. She's looking at him so earnestly and when he kneels to her height, you're a bit impressed.

"I'm not sure."

That's probably the most honest he's been.

Everyone is a bit silent. Diana reaches her hand out, placing it on his right cheek. He doesn't understand why the gesture calms him so much. She smiles.

"Don't worry, Ms. (Y/N) loves you too."

Her statement makes your eyes widen, and Savitar swallows, looking up at you. Diana pulls her hand away, moving back to Renard and he picks her up.

"You can't just go around touching people okay. Always ask for permission." She nods.

"Sorry Daddy, I will. " She looks at Savitar.

"I'm sorry Mister."

He stands upright.

"It's alright Diana. Thank you." He gives her a smile.

"I'm going to step outside. It was nice meeting all of you." That's what he says as he turns his back. The door closes behind him and you're not sure what to say.

"Well, that was a bit strange. Even by our standards." Wu states. You're not sure what he means by that, but you're a bit concerned about Savitar.

"Would you excuse me, I'm going to check on him." Nick nods.

"Of course, we'll be here."

You head on after him and Renard looks at Diana.

"Did you see something Diana?"

She nods.

"Mhmm, he has superpowers that make him really fast. It also made him very sad."

They aren't sure what to make of the statement.

"Great, I hope he's not another big bad." Monroe says. Rosalee just runs a hand down his shoulder.

"We'll be fine. We've survived much worse."

Boy did they know it.


Savitar had taken a seat on the steps of the porch, eyes fixed on the sky.

"Hey, need company?"

He glances in your direction, then looks down. You sit. Although you'd formulated an entire speech in your mind, it feels useless now. What can you really say? It feels a bit difficult to articulate the right words. Especially after what Diana said. You've been trying your best to be a good friend. To help him. Regardless of the feelings you have. He needs guidance right now.

"I don't expect anything from you Savitar." You finally get yourself to say it.

"We're both in an awkward position. The only thing that I want right now is your happiness. Not hurt or pain or a need for revenge. When you look at Barry or Iris or even Team Flash, I want you to be okay. With them, with me."

You hope that you get your point across. He finally turns to you, truly looks at you. Those eyes, they do something to you. It's not pity, or hate or even anger. You can't explain what it is. Because it's not something you're used to.

"Were you aware that in other universes, Barry Allen doesn't end up with Iris West."

That's not what you expect him to say.

"I..I don't follow..."

His hand slides over, and when he places it lightly over yours, you're a bit distracted.

"On earth 2, Barry Allen is in fact married to Iris West. It's fate. We're destined to flock to that love. But there are so many universes. Iris West isn't just one individual being. There are many different versions of Iris West for Barry Allen. Various names, faces, identities. There's a universe out there where Barry finds his personal version of love. His lightning rod. My lightning rod. "

You aren't sure what to say.

"I guess I just hope that someday I'll figure out who that person is for me."

His hand tightens just a little over yours, and you find yourself unable to properly breathe.

The door behind you opens.

"O-Oh, my bad. Nick was just getting a little worried. I'll leave you two alone." Monroe ramblings awkwardly, closing the door and Savitar pulls away, standing up. He looks down at you, extending a hand.

"Let's get back in there."

You just nod bashfully as you stand, taking his hand. 

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