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"Faith!" Joe yelled, throwing a pillow at me. I was still in bed, trying to sleep peacefully.

"What?" I said with a tired voice, trying to throw the pillow back at him as I'm still laying down, but I missed.

"Oh, so you will be like this? Okay then. I am going to the audition by myself" he said as he left my room.

I immediately opened my eyes, practically jumping out of the bed.
It's today. Today is the big day, which we have been excited for past year.

Joe is going to the audition for a show called Heartstopper. Not only he wanted to be an actor for a really, really long time now, but we also love that comic. And when I say love, I truly mean that.

[2 years ago]

"Joe! Come here right now!" I yelled from our room, while he was in the kitchen. He didn't respond, and I could barely hear any movement at all.

"Fine! I'm going to read the new chapter of Heartstopper alone! Without you!" I screamed once again in a provocative tone. As I expected, I right away heard running up the stairs. He came to our room, and practically threw himself on the bed.

"You wouldn't dare" he said seriously, warning me, at which I just laughed.

"Let's read you idiot" I said with a smile on my face, tapping on the new chapter.

[1 year ago]

"Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe" I said his name fast a few times in a row while I was running around the house with my phone in my hand, trying to find him.

"There you are!" I said as I found him at his desk, headphones on his ears. I'm not even surprised he didn't hear me.

I tapped him on his head, pulling the headphones from his ears myself.
I was really excited, and as Joe looked at me, he had a scared expression on his face.

"Yeah?" he said all confused and clueless quietly, me barely hearing him.

"Look!" I said as I shoved the phone to his eyes. He took the phone from me, putting it a little further from his face.

His face slowly brightened up, as he read through the lines.

When I was searching for a new chapter of Heartstopper, "audition" popped up. I was confused and curious, so I clicked the link. It said that Heartstopper is being made into a show version, and they are casting people in the roles of the characters. I told Joe million times that he looks like Charlie, and this was just the perfect opportunity to actually make him Charlie Spring.

"Faith" he said my name as he stood up from his chair, putting his hand at his head, shocked and surprised. Then he looked at me, death serious.

"Faith, I swear to god, if this is some of your stupid pranks - " he tried to say, but I interrupted him right away.

"It's not a prank or anything!" I defended myself, showing him that it's a true link. He looked at me blankly, still being in shock.

"Are you going or what?" I burst out, out of excitement.

"Faith, do you really think I would be a good actor? I never really acted before!" he desperately stated, as he sat down again.

"First of all, you look EXACTLY like Charlie Spring." I pointed out, not giving him space to say anything.
"Second, if you don't try, you will regret it later." I looked him in the eyes, so he would know I really meant my words.

"You are right, but what if - "

"Worst they can do is say that you don't get the role, Joe. Nothing worst can happen" I said "I don't want to push you into anything, but I know you, and I think it's a perfect opportunity. I will respect your decision, but I'm here to support you" I let all these words out of my mouth softly.

He stood up once again, and came towards me, giving me a hug.

"I will think about it, but I think I will try it. I have you by my side, I'm sure I got this. Thank you, Faith" he said, not breaking the hug.

"I'm honored" I smiled. Then I broke the silence after a few moments.

"Soo.. you are applying for the Charlie role.. right?" I burst out, which made him laugh.

"Of course Faith, I'm applying for the Charlie role"


"JOE, WAIT!" I screamed out, hoping he would hear me. I promised that I'm going with him, I'm not going to let him alone.

For the last 15 minutes, I was running around like an idiot, looking if I had forgotten something. I was more nervous than Joe, and Joe is the one going on the audition.

"Faith! We need to go now!" Joe yelled, opening the front door of the house, and going into the car.

"I'm coming!" I yelled out, running down the stairs. I ran out of the house and locked the doors behind me. I got to Joe's car, and sat in the passenger seat.

"Ready?" I said excitedly. Joe nodded.

"Let's go"

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻 - 𝒌𝒊𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒓Where stories live. Discover now