(12) Chaos

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"Okay and we're here" Kit said as he parked the car near some restaurant where me and my parents are supposed to meet.

I was still thinking if I should just turn around and.. go away from them as far as I could. But I'm staying. Not for them. But for myself.

"Hey" Joe touched my shoulder as he spoke. "You're going to be okay, right? We're here"

As he said that, I smiled at him and hugged him. "Thank you"

Then I looked at Kit and held his hand for few seconds. "You too Kit, thank you a lot"

"Good luck" Kit said as he smiled softly.

I looked at them and exited the car. I came up to the restaurant and got in.
This place was honestly huge and luxurious as well. I thought of how could my parents afford to eat somewhere like this, but I decided I should not think much of it.

I saw someone in the corner of my eye waving at me. It was them. To be honest, by looks they changed a lot in those 5 years, not going to lie about that.

"Hi" I spoke quietly as I joined the table and sat with them.

"We are glad you are here, Faith" mom spoke as the silence seemed a bit awkwardly.

"Do you want to order anything?" dad said as he was looking on the menu.

"Not really, I just honestly want to hear what you two want to say to me" I said as I looked at them.

They looked at each other, and then dad started to talk.

"We wanted to ask you if you would want to live with us. We moved in recently, actually here in London" he said.

"Oh" I said as I was trying to process the information.

"So.. what do you think?" mom said.

I took a deep breath, and tried to be calm as much as I could.

"I'm thankful for the offer, but I'm not going to live with you. I'm staying with Joe" I said calmly.

"Why not?" mom asked as she was surprised of my answer.

"I think I'm better with Joe. I will not just leave him. But thank you again" I said with little smile on my face.

"Well, you left us. So why don't you just come back, Faith?" dad asked.

"I'm sorry?" I looked at him in confusion and shock. In fact, yes, I did leave them. But this was unfair.

"Mom left first, I left after she did" I said still calm, which I now couldn't say about my father, who was at the edge of yelling again. They maybe changed their looks and a bit of attitude, but most of it, is the same.

"Please be respectful Faith" mom said all of a sudden. She knew exactly where this was going.

"I am respectful" I said, "But with all respect, why did you get back with him?" I was talking to her like he wasn't even there.

"Because I - " she stopped as she looked at him, and then responded.
"- I made mistake, okay?"

"Mistake?" I frowned at her answer. I exhale as I tried not to say too much. The only mistake she made was leaving me behind. But leaving him? That's one of the best things she could ever do.

"Yes, a mistake. You both made a mistake when you left, that's why I'm trying to fix it" he said, looking at me like I believed him any of those words.

"Us?" I looked at him unbelievably. "Not you? Do you actually believe that you did nothing wrong?" I said staring at his eyes.

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻 - 𝒌𝒊𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒓Where stories live. Discover now