(3) Audition

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"Turn left!" I yelled while staring at the navigation for the past half an hour.

"We turned left like four times already! We're going in circles!" Joe yelled back at me frustrated, turning right.

I sighed, throwing myself deep into the seat.

"We're going to be late because of some stupid navigation!" he stated, stressing over it.

"We have time, we will find our way, don't worry" I said quietly, trying to calm him down, but I was frustrated myself.

He took a deep breath, then said quietly and more calm.

"Try to turn the navigation off, and then back again, maybe it will help"

I did as he said. I put the location again, and it showed different directions than before. It was a glitch for sure.

"Okay, now go straight ahead, and continue for a while" I said calm now.

We drove for 35 minutes at least, when I saw a sign.

"Joe, look!" I said. He slowed the car, so he could look at it better.

Audition just a few meters ahead, then left.

I screamed out of excitement.

"Finally! You see? We made it!" I jumped in the car, and Joe just let out a relieved sigh.

Not even 5 minutes later, we were there. There was a big parking lot for people who came to the audition. And when I tell you, there were a LOT of people. We couldn't even see the exact entrance to the audition section, because of how crowded it was.

"So.." I started speaking, and looked at Joe.

"You're looking at me like am supposed to know" he rolled his eyes and laughed.

"First of all.." I started, pulling my phone out, turning it on and looking around us, "we need to find where is the audition building." I said and Joe just nodded, going away from me to some group of people.

"Hey! Joe wait!" I said panicking because I didn't want to get lost.

He laughed, and approached the group of people. I approached them a little later as well.

"Thank you guys" Joe said to the group as he turned around, seeing me standing right behind him. Joe turned around at the group once again, waved to them and we got away from them.

"I asked them if they knew where to go to the audition" he said, looking around him. "I think I know where to go"

"Okay" I said shocked "Go ahead, we'll definitely don't get lost again, like we did a few hours back" I laughed teasing him, causing him bumping softly in my shoulder.

"Hey! Come on" he giggled a little. "I see it from here, I'm sure we're going the right way"

I smiled, seeing he's right because we saw a big sign "audition" in front of the building. Apparently, with the sign, we also saw the longest row of people that I ever saw in my life. I looked at Joe and I could tell right away - he was so done with this.

We got in the line, and we waited. We talked, well.. Joe spoke with some people behind and in front of us. I was just waiting for us to get in the building, which took ages. We literally waited for more than an hour and a half, but finally, we were right at the entrance. As me and Joe were about to go in, someone stopped us.

"Only one at the time" said the security guy, letting Joe in and leaving me behind at the entrance. Joe saw that and froze at the spot.

"I'm not auditioning, I'm only going as support" I said to clear and explain the situation.

The man, tall as hell, looked at me and repeated in the most rude tone you can ever imagine.
"I said, one by one. If you're not auditioning, you have no right to go in."

I looked at him mad as hell, wanting to say something and not just stand there quiet. Joe was still standing behind him in the building and heard everything.

"It's fine Faith, just wait for me here" Joe said calmly, waiting for my response.

I sighed, giving up on this assholes' security. "I'll be waiting right here," I smiled. "Good luck!" I yelled out to him. Joe smiled and got into the building, leaving me at the entrance.

One last time, I looked at the idiot, giving him a death stare as I gave up. I went to the benches, which were a few steps from the entrance, and decided to wait for Joe there, and put my headphones in.

After a few minutes, someone sat right next to me on the bench. As I saw that, I took my headphones off, and the person immediately started talking.

"It's okay if I sit here?" he asked after sitting down. I just nodded, not knowing what to do or what to say in this situation.

"I'm Sebastian" he offered me a hand while saying that. I gave him the hand back, and shook his hand.

"I'm Faith" I smiled as he did.

"So what are you doing here, Faith?" he said, looking around.

"I'm here waiting for my bestfriend who went to audition" I said, obviously referring to Joe.

"What about you?" I said, turning my entire body facing him, so I would hear him better.

"I auditioned a couple minutes ago, I'm waiting for my friends to pick me up" he said, and I immediately got excited.

"Auditioned?" I said like I was out of my mind or something.
"Let me guess role" I burst out, closing my eyes, so I could think better. I don't even want to know what he was thinking about me at that moment, but he was hyped with me.

"I bet it's Nick Nelson" I confidently said, waiting for him to agree with it and say that I got it.

He laughed a little. "I bet almost everyone is here to audition for Nick, right?" he stated. I didn't get to say anything, he started speaking again right away. "Ben Hope" he said.

My jaw dropped. Not because Ben Hope was a terrible character in the books, of course someone has to play him, but Seb looks like a sweet guy, there's no way he's fitting into that role.

He smiled at my reaction, probably understanding why I reacted that way.

"I know, I don't seem like a bad guy" he admitted.
"My family and friends tell me that a lot."

"I hope you get that role, good luck with it Seb" I said as I smiled at him.

After a while of talking, Sebastian's phone beeped.

"That's my friends, they are in the parking lot" he got up from the bench, then turned to me.
"It was so nice meeting you Faith" he shook my hand.

I smiled, shaking his hand back.

"It was nice meeting you too Seb, good luck! I hope we see each other again!"

"We will for sure Faith" he said as he started to walk away. We waved to each other as he disappeared behind the corner.

A little bit after that, someone put hands on my shoulders. I turned around right away, jumping from the bench and going to hug him.

"How was it, Joe?" I said hyped but nervous.

"I think it went well actually" he scratched his neck, smiling.

"I'm proud of you" I said softly, at which he smiled. We went quiet.


"Definitely" he responded without hesitation.

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