(10) The incident

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⚠️ TW - Family issues

[3 years ago]

My last year of elementary school was at the end. It was a really hard experience in my life, but I did it and completed it successfully. I maybe didn't make many friends, but I have my family, and that's important.. right?

To be accurate, it was the last day of elementary school. For the last years, our school always have little 'party', we can call it.

The thing is that I really hate to be by myself around people. But I came for my parents, as I promised them.

In advance, they promised me that they will come. After all, everyone has their parents there, so I wanted them there as well.

They didn't show up. I waited for them at the entrance for more than 2 hours until
I gave up, and decided to just go home.

As I wanted to knock on the door, I saw that they were open already.

I ignored that, since it used to happen a lot, to be honest.

"Mom? Dad?" I yelled not so loudly as I entered the house.

"Your mom left" I heard dad from the kitchen. I quickly went there, only to see him with a bottle of beer on the table.

"What?" I asked almost in a whisper.

"That idiot came to pick her up, she left" he said calmly as he took another sip from the bottle.

I always had a little feeling that my mom was maybe seeing someone else, but this just sound like nonsense. Left?

I went to my room, and took my phone out to call her. She almost immediately picked up.

"Mom? Why's dad saying that you left?" I blustered out right away.

"Faith, I couldn't stay with him any longer" she said calmly, as it was a normal thing to do. To leave your kid like this.

"And you think I can? I'm only 15!" I whispered loudly.

"You are old enough to take care of yourself"

"I don't have any money, mom. I have literally nothing. And dad is not going to help" I took a deep breath as I said that.
"Look, can't you just take me with you or something?"

As I said that, I just heard a sigh from the other side of the phone.

"I want to forget about your father, Faith. I just want a new life. I surely know you understand me, you're smart"

"You would like to forget about me too, don't you? You just want to live your 'best life' with your new boyfriend, leaving your child behind" I said in disbelief.

There was silence for a solid minute. She took a deep breath, and then just three words left her mouth.

"Good luck Faith" and with those words, she hung up. She said I'm right without actually saying it.

After that, I stared at my phone in my, hands which were shaking. What the hell is happening?

I was sitting on my bed for a couple of minutes when I heard glass shattering.

I rushed to the kitchen, seeing exactly what I thought I would see.

"See" my dad said as he sat back after throwing the empty bottle on the ground.

"I bet you're going to be exactly like her" he said as he was taking another beer out of the fridge.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I threw my hands around me from the frustration.

He turned to me, and as could I see, he seriously had enough. Of alcohol, and of the situation as well.

"You don't even know me. You two never cared enough" I just stood there, trying to be calm and not turn this into an argument.

"We would care if you were a wanted child" he said without showing any emotion.
"I'm not even surprised that she left"

"Do you think she left mainly because of me? You're doing nothing but drinking and watching fucking TV! That's all you can do!" As these words left my mouth, I realized that I lost it at that moment.

"If you weren't such a disapointment, I would never have ended up like this!" he yelled as loud as he could, and then threw another bottle on the ground.
"This is all your fault! If you were not here, your mom would still be with me"

I knew alcohol was speaking through him. I knew that nothing of what he just said was true. But it still hurts hearing this.

I just left the kitchen, grabbed some of my things quickly and got out. I heard some yelling behind me, but I ignored it.

I left the house, and sat on the nearest bench with a lamp beside it that I could find.

After a few minutes of just staring into the darkness and thinking about what to do now, someone sat next to me.

I looked up. It was a guy from my class with black curls.

"Faith, right?"

And that was the night that pushed me to the edge. The night that changed everything. The night when it all started.

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