(18) Re-charging

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"We have the two hard scenes today, by the way" Joe said while he was reading his script in the car.

"Noo" Kit fake cried.

"Wait what two scenes?" I turned to Joe.

"Well, the scene where Charlie breaks down in front of Tori - " Joe said.

" - and Nick's coming out scene" said Kit, completing Joe.

"Today?" I asked a bit shocked.

"Well, it's the last episode" Kit said a bit without any tone.

"We're going to kill it" Joe said with his egoistic undertone in his voice. I just laughed at that.

I hope they will do okay today.

"Okay, we're not going to kill it, it's killing me" Joe said walking in my direction with puffy eyes.

"You idiot" I smiled softly, hugging him as he came to me.
"Is the scene done?"

"Not at all, they just gave us break"

"You should sit down for a minute then" I said pointing at chair beside me.

He sat down immediately. We're here for about 30 minutes, and it's already this emotional.

I would ask Joe where's Kit, but I'm sure he doesn't know either. As we arrived at the set, they right away took Kit aside so he could practice with Olivia - Nick's mom.

After 20 minutes, Joe spoke up.

"Okay, need to go. Wish me luck" he said as he walked away.

"As always" I screamed after him.

After another half an hour of just sitting there, so I wouldn't be in anyone's way, I decided to look around a bit.

I was walking as I saw Joe acting from behind the corner with Jenny - the actor of Tori, Charlie's sister.

The way he was acting in that scene was unbelievable. I couldn't believe that I'm looking at Joe, acting that perfectly and so realistically at the moment.

I got caught up in the moment, and a little tear fell down my cheek. I'm so proud of how far he came.

"Hey" I heard tired voice behind my back, which was followed with his head leaning on my shoulder and his hands 'hugging' my shoulders from behind.

It took me a minute to start speaking from the shock of that.

"Are you okay?" I said as I touch his hands which were hugging me.

"It was a lot. I just need to recharge a bit" as he said that, I could hear a soft smile on his face.

I needed to process what he just said, but when I did, I right away smiled to myself hardly.

Recharging. That's what Nick said to Charlie in one of the comics.

"You sneaky idiot" I whispered just for him to hear.

"Not sneaky, just honest" he also whispered.

"Are you done with shooting for today?" I asked him.

"Just last scene. The one where Nick and Charlie are going to hold hands in front of the whole school and then just go to the beach, if you remember"

"But the emotional stuff is done, right?"

"Yes, just the two happy last scenes" he said, hugging me tightly.
"I need to get some energy first though"

"Idiot" I said with laughter in my voice, at which he just smiled. I'm sure he did.

"Faith! Come here" Alice gestured with her hand, calling me.

We're momentally at the set, shooting the last two scenes. At this moment, the one where Charlie and Nick just disappears in front of the whole school.

"I'm missing someone for cameo again, and again, Dan's partner. Can you go and talk to him for the background effect? Thank you" Alice said as she walked away. She gave me question which wasn't exactly a question. How lovely.

Since I love her so much, I just walked to Dan. We can do one scene.

"Hey Faith" Dan said, looking from me to the ground. "I want to apologize for that dumb fuck" he said, obviously referring to Richard.

"No need to apologize for him, he's always been like that. It's fine" I said calmly.

"I hope you're not mad at me though, you're cool and I would like to talk to you, when I get the chance" he said, smile appearing on his face a bit.

Richard is idiot, but I'm sure Dan is okay. He acts normally.

"Of course, don't see any problem" I gave him back a little smile.

"How's it going with that guy?" he said, inconspicuously nodding his head in Kit's direction.

"What do you mean?" I asked, not shocked at all though. I knew exactly what he meant.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not Richard's spy or something, I'm not going to tell him a word, really"

After he said that, we went quiet for a second. "I think I'm falling in love with him, if I didn't already"

In the exact moment I said that sentence, Kit and Joe passed closely by us. Although Kit should've worried expression on his face, he was smiling from ear to ear.

As I looked away from them, I looked at Dan.

"You saw that too?" I asked Dan.

"Isn't he supposed to be not smiling in this scene?" Dan asked, thinking about it.

"Do you think he heard us and knew what we're talking about?" I asked, overthinking the whole situation.

"Cut!" Alice yelled, once again. As she did, we looked in her direction.
"Kit, change that face! We're rolling again. Action!"

Me and Dan looked at each other as we heard that sentence coming from her mouth.

"Well" he said, staring in the distance.
"Something is telling me he did"

I grabbed my head. "Oh shit"

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻 - 𝒌𝒊𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒓Where stories live. Discover now