(5) Results

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[Few weeks later]

"Still nothing?" I said surprised and shocked. They should've sent the results of the audition a long time ago.

"Maybe I didn't get that part, so they just didn't send it?" Joe said, not trusting himself at all, like the last few days.

"That's such a nonsense, though! They need to send the results even if you didn't get in. Such a bullshit thing." I muttered the last sentence to myself. We've been waiting for it the past few days, and it's getting more and more stressful.

Joe closed the computer he had opened for the past 2 hours, hoping some email would come, but nothing. He sighed, and turned to me.

"I thought I wasn't that awful" he looked at me with disappointment in his face.

"You did a good job, Joe. It's okay if you didn't get the role, at least you tried and went there" I smiled at him, then continued. "You'll always be Charlie Spring in my eyes"

He smiled at me and went to hug me.

"Thank you Faith, without you, I would not even try"

"Always here, Joe" I smiled in the hug.

"Want a distraction?" I said with an obvious smile as I pulled away from the hug.

"Are you even asking?" he laughed.

"Absolutely not fair" I put the controller down, looking at Joe in disbelief. "You are cheating, I'm sure" I rolled my eyes.

"What do you mean? I'm just skilled" he rolled his eyes as well, laughing.
"It's not my fault you can't win one single time"

"Yup, definitely cheated somehow" I said seriously, but burst out in laughter moments later.

"You're such an idiot" he said as he threw popcorn at me.

"Hey!" I laughed even harder.

"Also" he started when he was done laughing.
"Will is inviting us to --"

"Will?" I looked at him in confusion.

"I forgot to tell you. In the audition room, while we waited for them to pair us, there was this guy and he was going for Tao's role, and we talked a lot. He was really nice, so we exchanged numbers on the spot, talking about how we can go out sometime. I also mentioned you, so he's inviting both of us" he blustered out. I already forgot half of the things that he just said.

"Okay" I said slowly, trying to process everything he just said and mentioned.
"Where and when?" I said curious.

"Maybe in like an hour or two? We have nothing to do, so I told him we can anytime"

"He lives close then, right?" I asked.

Joe nodded. "Just a few blocks away. Maybe to dinner? Or just go somewhere to eat in general"

I smiled. "Sounds good to me, let's get ready, and let's go"

"Faith, c'mon! We'll be late!" Joe yelled at me from the hallway downstairs. I was in the bathroom upstairs, but I heard him well.

"I'm going! Just need to fix my hair!" I said frustrated. I gave up a few seconds after that. I hate my hair not being in a ponytail or not being put up in general, but I don't have nerves for this. I left my hair down, grabbed my bag really quick, and went downstairs.

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