✧ Introduction ✧

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Gracie AbramsasFaith Locke[20 years old]

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Gracie Abrams
Faith Locke
[20 years old]

Joe Lockeashimself[20 years old]

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Joe Locke
[20 years old]

Kit Connorashimself[22 years old]

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Kit Connor
[22 years old]

all the others from the cast

• Hey everyone! I'm really excited to share this fan fiction with you all :) There are a few things I would like to mention before you're going to read it.

• English is not my first language, so if you find any mistakes in the grammar, please point it out, I would fix it as soon as I can.

• I'm writing this whenever I can, and sometimes I even forget what even I was writing about. If you find any information in the story that doesn't match at all, I would be thankful if you let me know :)

• There would be so many more characters in the story which I didn't introduce yet, since I don't want to spoil the story. These characters wouldn't have face claim added by me.

• Please be patient with the story, and with me too 🙏🏻

• Thank you for reading this, enjoy the story now x

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