°A Race With Fate°

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After three hours running, many people started dropping like flies. Getting left behind as Satotz continued without waiting or caring. Nahida took this time to observe the examinees, resting he read on Wanderer's head while looking around.

She spotted three young men verbally berate a tired candidate until they couldn't take it anymore. Blocking out their ears and crumbling down like a piece of paper, all thanks to Tonpa's iniciative.

He handed money to the young men, smirking at their victory. Nahida narrowed her eyes at them, to gain pleasure from another's downfall, is a trait she hates in humanity. Wanderer noticed where she was looking, and smirked as an idea arrived.

"Want me to get rid of him?"

Nahida shook her head and turned her gaze away.

"We can't stand out yet. Who knows? Maybe there's a chance for us later on."

That wasn't a no... Wanderer smirked while thinking of ways to make the pig fail. Tonpa rubbed the back of his head, and glanced around, he felt chills go down his spine in warning.

Another hour passed with them simply running to an endless tunnel. Wanderer sighed in frustration. He wanted nothing more than to fly and show everyone his middle fingers as they looked up in envy.


Nahida seemed to have sensed his thoughts. Wanderer rolled his eyes at her.

"I wasn't thinking of anything..."

Her narrowed eyes spelled 'suspicion.'

"Ah! That's cheating!"

They turned to Leorio, he was pointing at a white-haired kid that also seemed confused.


Leorio pointed down at the kid's feet.

"Your skateboard! It's against the rules!"

Before the kid could defend himself, Gon talked for him.

"No it's not! Mister Satotz only said to follow him!"

Leorio growled, trying his best to display his anger while moving forward.

"Gon! Who's side are you on!?"

Nahida decided to intervene as well, speaking to them while comfortably resting her chin above her folded arms, and using Wanderer's head as a table.

"I agree with you, Gon. He never said how we should follow him."

Gon grinned at seeing her side with him Nahida. Leorio moved his finger to point at her instead.

"You're cheating too! He's carrying you!"

She giggled and tilted her head, now using Wanderer's hair as a soft pillow.

"I didn't tell him to! So this doesn't count!"

The white-haired kid smiled at her words before kicking his skateboard up. Gon admired the flip it did before it got caught.

"That was awesome!"

The kid glanced between Gon and Nahida.

"I'm Killua. And you two?"

"I'm Gon!"

She nodded at him with a smile.


"Hey! How did you do that trick?!"

"I'll show you later. Hey, how old are you two?"

Oh, goodness. Nahida could hear Wandere chuckling at the question once more. She pinched his ear, which made reluctantly stop. Gon answered first.

Nahida & Wanderer In HXHWhere stories live. Discover now