Chapter Three

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When waking up, I was hoping that I wasn't waking up in the school clinic from fainting in front of an entire class. I hoped that I wasn't going to a school where a majority of them were werewolves and that my mate wasn't the alpha of them. That, and that I did not just pass out in the middle of class. Sadly, my hopes were destroyed when I could smell disinfectants and the hum of conversations outside of the room.

I sat up, letting a groan out from the world spinning really fast briefly.

"Hey, take it easy, okay." I heard a familiar voice. I felt warm hands on mine, steadying me and that same tingle ran up my spine to confirm the person's identity. "How do you feel?" Alex asked.

"Besides the fact that I just fell in the middle of class on my first day," I said. "I'm doing great."

He chuckled, "Fainting happens. I've seen worse faints."


He nodded. "One time, this guy went to the bathroom on himself and had a nosebleed all at the same time." He laughed. "We were all surprised he didn't vomit next."

"That guy was you wasn't it?"

"It was and it was the worst moment of my life." He paled.

I couldn't help but laugh at his misfortunate event. The fact he even told me made it even more hilarious.

"Oh good, you're awake." The nurse came in. She approached me, checking for any signs that I may faint again. "Alex tells me you fainted today, want to tell me what you think may have caused it?"

I hesitated, feeling my heart pound.

If I told what actually happened, she'd look at me strange and next thing I'd know, I'd be in some kind of mental institution. What would be the normal reaction to telling someone I saw a strange boy who magically disappeared and then reappeared in front of me?

"I don't really remember," I lie. "It's probably just nerves from starting a new school."

Alex and the nurse stared at me. I didn't want to show any signs of panic but if they knew I was lying, what would happen? Would they force me to tell the story? I don't think the event would happen again so no big deal, right?

"Coming to a new school is always a nerve wracking thing," She says. "I suggest taking it easy and staying calm. There's nothing to be nervous about here."

Not unless the wolves come and try to tear me to pieces or something. I think that's something to be nervous about.

Alex cleared his throat loudly, "Is she clear to go?" He asked.

"I don't see why not." The nurse said. "Have a good day Hailey."

Alex helped me get my stuff and we left the clinic together. Apparently it was lunch time and Alex seemed eager to get there just as much as I didn't. I kind of had lost my appetite, however and didn't know if I actually wanted to eat a full lunch but I settled with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a small apple and then sat down at a table in which Alex joined.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked me.

"I'm fine," I reply honestly. "Just thinking."

That didn't ease him, "Did your faint have to do with anything on what I said earlier?" He asked.

"I don't think so," I tell him.

"If so, you'll get used to it after a while." He says, starting to eat his lunch. "You'll realize we're not like what the books make us seem. Well, not all of us that is..."

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