Chapter Twenty-Three

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It was complete and total chaos in the meeting I was sat in. We were supposed to be discussing the increase in holes in the border patrols as well as shed light on rogue activity. However, all anyone managed to do for the past hour and a half was complain about Hailey.

It wasn't like I wasn't in the room or anything.

"We didn't have any of these issues until she came along." Someone from the Tracking team complained. "Her friend had us search the borders all night. We never did know what he was looking for."

"The Hunters never show up without any reason." Ryan reasoned. He was the only one who had some faith in Hailey despite his curious mind. That and he was actually in charge of today's meeting but called me in for backup due to the rowdiness. "These happening could affect all of us sooner or later."

"But why do we have to search now?" Another questioned. "It's not like anything major has happened to the community. All the attacks are targeted on her, no one else. Why should we help if it really doesn't involve us?"

"Again," Ryan sighed. "These attacks may not be hitting us directly but Hailey is one of us in a way. Also, these wolves were one of our own, so we are involved."

Another spoke up. "It was their choice to go rogue."

"And it is our job to figure out why." Ryan argued. "We haven't seen this many cases in a decade."

"So you think it's related to these attacks?"

"Based on the reports your team brought back, all signs point to yes." Ryan concludes. "Everyone that was sighted within that pack of wolves were from our own. Even Jason was captured and confessed everything."

The room erupted from the news of Jason's betrayal. It would be a lie to say I didn't feel the same way they were feeling right now. I was hurt but mostly confused. Even though we didn't get the exact reason for why Jason attacked Hailey, I did know that he wasn't in control of this operation and I was nervous to find out who was. He wouldn't say but the way he spoke hinted that I probably know the answer.

"So now what?" Someone questioned. "Who knows what he's told them. For all we know he could be working with the Authorities as well."

"Not much," Ryan flips through papers. "He only shared how to sneak past patrols without being detected as a rogue. As for the Authorities, let's not wish that on ourselves."

There was an audible sigh of relief.

"So then--"

The main door suddenly opened and in came Tanner, my third in command. He seemed panicked, which worried me and everyone else in the room.

"S-Sorry to interrupt," He pants. "Alex, it's your sister."


When I got home, the first thing I noticed was the door was kicked in. The hinges were torn off from impact leaving the door barely hanging onto the frame. I brought Ryan along with me to have an extra pair of eyes, leaving Tanner behind to deal with the chaotic members at the meeting.

We slowly made our way inside my quiet home, taking note of how torn apart it looked. The couch was flipped, glass was shattered, and the walls had claw marks scratched along them. There was a thud upstairs and I took off in that direction. Ryan remained downstairs just in case someone came in.

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