Chapter Twenty-Five

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"I thought I told you," Danny opened the door. "I'm not getting involved."

  "We just need permission to cross, that's all." I said.

  "Permission?" He raised a brow. "Since when do people ask for permission around here?"

  I sighed deeply.

  "My answer is still no, Alex." Danny says, preparing to close the door. "Sorry, but you're gonna have to find another way to save your mate."

   He shuts the door and proceeds to turn off the light by the front door. He wanted us to go away but I could still sense his presence behind the door.

  "Well now what do we do?" Luke asked.

  "We cross," Nathan said, making his way towards the trees.

  "Cross?" Luke questioned. "He just said we couldn't."

  "He said he didn't want to get involved not that we couldn't cross." Nathan further distances himself from the group. He had a point but Nathan liked to push his luck with Danny sometimes.

  "Won't his patrol stop us?" Luke asked once we neared the border.

  I didn't say anything but I knew Danny had called his patrol away from where we were about to cross. He said he didn't want to get involved, but at the same time, he was letting me know about how the patrol was going after an intruder. A blonde intruder. So, in truth, he was just as involved as we were because this was his territory.

   "I doubt that," Nathan says, stepping across the border. "We're definitely in the right area." He looks at me.

  He was right. I caught Hailey's scent immediately when we crossed. The wolves' attempt to mask her scent with their own was useless now that we were here. We were now able to track their movements and perhaps, it would lead us to Hailey herself.

  That's what I hoped.

  As we ventured further into the territory, the more I sensed we were being followed. Looking ahead, everyone else seemed to feel that way too. Being followed was to be expected since we were somewhat trespassing and about to attempt a form of a raid to get Hailey out of Demetria's hands.

  Melanie stopped.

  "They're here."

  As the words left her mouth, there was a snapping sound nearby followed by a low growl. Melanie responded by taking off into a sprint telling us to run. We followed. Luke, the slowest of the group managed to keep up but of course complained.

  "Why are we running?" He panted.

  "Three o'clock!" Melanie shouted over her shoulder.

  Luke looked just in time to shoot a large wolf heading in his direction.

  "Where the hell did they come from?!" He shouted.

   "They've been here the entire time." Nathan growled.

   Many went after Luke believing he would be easy to take out because he was human, however, he proved himself stronger with the use of his crossbow. On the other side of him, Nathan held his ground dodging dangerous snaps from wolves. Melanie, the same, piggybacking a wolf and causing it to collide into another. Coming from my blind spot, a wolf knocked me off my feet. To avoid breaking numerous bones from the fall, I shifted, rolling into a defensive stance and striking the other wolf.

  The attack turned into a chase and somehow along the way, Luke was straddling my back, taking out the wolves on our tail.

  "Eight o'clock!" Melanie shouted from somewhere.

   I spun around to give Luke a clear shot. He took it. The wolf he hit reverted into human form and seized on the ground.

  "Alex!" I heard Melanie scream.

  I took off in the direction of the cry, almost forgetting Luke was still on my back. I say almost because he was gripping onto my fur tightly from the speed.

  Approaching Melanie, I wasn't expecting to find her and Nathan on their knees with guns to the back of their heads.

  Luke slid off my back, careful not to move too fast that would make them think he was going to attack. He did keep his bow raised as a defense.

  "I'd tell you to shift back but I don't have spare clothes for you." A guy with an accent appeared.

  "Who is that?" I asked Luke.

  Luke flinched and gave me a look. "That's Blake. Give a warning next time you do mind voodoo."

  "Ask him what he wants."

  "What do you want?" Luke relayed for me.

  Blake chuckled. "She wants to see you. Preferably alive."

  "Who does?"

  "Hailey." Blake answered.

  I growled. This was all a trap and we walked right into it. Demetria had come by and attacked Melanie while her wolves attacked Hailey, Nathan, and Luke. She knew we'd ask to cross the border so she sent Sammie out to distract Danny's wolves from their patrol and Nathan made impulse decisions so she knew he'd cross sensing the patrol was away from their posts.

  They knew we were coming this whole time.

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